BASE Birmingham Birmingham Energy Savers and making the Green Deal work Pat Laughlin, Chairman, Thursday 11 April 2013 Promoting Business Opportunity
Director of MEBC Independent business network promoting the business opportunity resulting from a transformation to a sustainable society Linked to World Business Council for Sustainable Development – based in Geneva Member of the Green Commission Chaired SHAP-sponsored Task Group on Supply Chain & Skills Development for the Green Deal Our Credentials
Support members active in the sustainable construction and renewable energy sectors Encourage : – Government to Publish long term strategy, e.g. German model – Local collaborate/work together – establish market /market size – Development of local Skills, Training and Employment policy/needs statement – Adoption of a ‘whole house’ assessment and quality standards threshold locally – Greater focus on commercial and industrial premises (est 39% of carbon emissions in Birmingham) Key Objectives
What are the key things we must do to make Birmingham a leading green city? What are the priorities for ? What are the barriers to achieving those actions? What are the solutions to overcome them? How can we seize the enormous social and economic opportunities? Session Outputs