My Life
This Is Me Learning How to Swim
Me as A Baby Am I Cute ? ! I am The One in The Middle
Me Learning How To Fly
My Voice When I was Trying to Fly I just Noticed I didn’t Have a Voice ! I was Very Upset.
Red Rock Lakes When My Father Wanted Us to Fly, He Wanted us to learn how to Fly To Red rock Lakes He said It had A very Pretty Scenery.
School Sam said to me before we went to Red rocks that he is exited to go back to school ! Well I was exited too..! So.. I Flew to the school and met Mrs. Hammerbotham
Love When I came Back Home from Visiting Sam and the school I found a love, Her Name is Serena.
The Trumpet When I Couldn’t Communicate With Serena, My Dad Felt Bad So, He Went To Billings and stole a trumpet!
Money When My Dad Stole The Trumpet, I felt Bad So.. I Talked To Sam And He Said I could come to Camp Kookoskoos with him and play the trumpet there.
Camp When I went to Camp There Was This Boy Named Applegate And Guess What He Didn’t Like Swans.. But He Tried to Escape the camp and almost Drowned Himself But I saved Him And THAN he Liked Birds
Life Is Pleasant. Death is Peaceful it’s the transition that’s troublesome
Boston After Summer Sam Insisted I to Go to Boston and trumpet by the swan boats so I did.
Ritz Hotel When It Became Nighttime I Was Worried I wouldn’t Have a Place to Sleep So, He Insisted that I Go to the Ritz hotel and He would Pay For It So I Ordered 25 Watercress Sandwiches and just used the watercress than, I fell asleep in the Bathtub.
Philadelphia After I was Done Swan Boating. I thought It was time for another job, I went to Philadelphia To work at a nightclub, There was a zoo right by the nightclub called the Philadelphia zoo.
Serena I saw a Swan In the distance and it looked like Serena It WAS SERENA I was SOOO Happy !
Bad News When Serena came the zoo trainers wanted to clip her wing so she could stay at the zoo
Nothing takes the Taste Out Of Peanut Butter quite like the unrequited love
A Talk about Money I went Back to Red Rocks, With Serena I told my Father that we needed to go give the money back, But He Insisted that he Would Just go Because Of The Danger, We all Wished him good luck.
Billings When My Father arrived,The Owner shot him because he thought he would steal another instrument from his store.He ended up in the hospital When he was healed he Escaped and came back
Happiness is having a Loving, Caring Close-Knit Family In another City.
The Greening Spring Serena Was Mine, I paid back the money,And Most of all everyone was happy.
Life is something everyone should try at least once.
The Cygnets are Born Me and Serena Had Cygnets I was SO happy.. Ahh..
Making Their Nest When We made their nest I was Hoping They Could Be Where My Mother Laid Me But Serena Insisted to make it where SHE wanted.
Louis Felt Lucky To Be On Earth! I felt so Happy To Be On this Beautiful Planet And Have all His Dreams Come true !