Financing Guidelines of IREDA
Incorporated on March 11, 1987 as a Public Limited Government Company Administrative Ministry - Ministry of Non- Conventional Energy Sources, Government of India IREDA (Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited) The Beginning....
“Be a pioneering, participant friendly and competitive institution for financing and promoting self-sustaining investment in energy generation from renewable sources and energy efficiency for sustainable development.” Mission
To operate a revolving fund for promoting and development New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE) To assist in rapid commercialization of NRSE To assist in upgradation of NRSE technologies To promote energy efficiency and conservation Objectives
Sectors Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydro Energy, Bio Energy, Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Developmental Activities / New Initiatives, New & Merging Technologies Financing Schemes Project Financing Equipment Financing Loan for Manufacturing Market Development (including export promotion) Energy Centres Financial Intermediaries Business Development Associates Renewable Energy Umbrella Financing Non-Conventional Energy Technology Commercialization Fund Scheme Sectors & Financing Schemes
IREDA PERFORMANCE as on Sanctions : Crs Disbursements : Crs Capacity : MW MTCR : No of Projects Sanc : 1635
ANNUAL PLAN SANCTIONS : 940 Crs DISBURSEMENTS : 550 Crs Capacity : 280 MW MTCR : 25000
TIED UP IN PIPELINE Government of the 18 million Dutch- NetherlandsGuilders Asian Development Bank100 million US$250 million US$ The World Bank / GEF / SDC145 million US$- DANIDA15 million US$- KfW, Germany120 million DM54 million Euro World Bank 2nd LOC135 million US$- JBIC, Japan 85 million US$ Resource Mobilization - International
Second Prize in Water Globe Award Category of the Energy Award 2002 presented at Linz, Austria World Climate Technology Award for the year 1999 by Climate Technology Initiative (CTI), Paris, France International Recognition
General Eligibility Conditions Profit Making Limited companies,Trust/Societies etc who have borrowing powers and power to take up Fuel Ethanol Production projects as per their charter. Individuals,proprietorship and partnership firms, loss making applicants are eligible with security of BG/FDR IREDA also looks for techno-financial viability,marketing and raw material tie up, statutory clearances/approvals etc.
IREDA has introduced a scheme for financing of Fuel ethanol production facilities through bio-mass/sugar juice/molasses. Rate of interest 11. % Maximum repayment period including moratorium 8 years. Maximum moratorium is 2 years Minimum promoter’s contribution is 30% Maximum IREDA loan upto 70% of the total project cost Alternate Fuel ( Ethanol Production through Biomass/Sugar Juice/Molasses)
Concessions/Rebate and spl Provisions 1% rebate will be given – Provided BG 0.5% rebate for timely payment of loan installment. 3% interest subsidy non molasses based.
DETAILS OF IREDA FUNDED PROJECTS IN ETHANOL SECTOR No of Projects Sanctioned : Five Gross capacity : 265 Kilolitres per day Loan Amount : Crores