On October 31st, we celebrate Halloween,thought to be the one night of the year when ghosts, witches, and fairies are especially active. No one really knows the origins of Halloween.
Currently, it is widely thought that Halloween originated as a pagan Celtic festival of the dead related to the Irish and Scottish Samhain, but there is no evidence that it was connected with the dead in pre-Christian times. What we do know for sure is that Halloween is on the eve of a major Catholic festival, All Saints (1st November) and the eve of the pagan Celtic festival known as Samhain.
The typical Jack-o'-lantern is a pumpkin whose top and stem have been carved off and inner membranes and seeds scooped out to leave a hollow shell. Sections of a side are carved out to make a design, usually a face. A light source (traditionally a candle) is placed inside the pumpkin and the top is put back into. The light illuminates the design from the inside. Jack-o'- lanterns are generally made for Halloween, and were originally made from large turnips, beets and swedes.
Huzel Nuts Apple-bobbing Nut-cracking Halloween Costumes
The hazel nut was sacred to ancient Celts, they were believed to have divining powers. The magic power of this nut was considered to be especially powerful on Halloween -- and was often used in marriage divinations. Hazel nuts were sometimes named after an individual, and the thrown into the bonfire on samhain eve. The manner in which it burned would determine the "fate" for that person for the next year.
Float a number of apples in a bowl of water and try to catch one using only your teeth. When you have caught one, peel it in one unbroken strip, and throw the strip of peel over your left shoulder. The letter the peel forms is the initial of your future husband or wife.
Place two nuts on a fire. Give the nuts the names of two possible lovers and the one that cracks first will be the one.
It's traditional for people (especially children) to dress up at Halloween. In the past this wasn't done just for fun, it was thought that the costume would confuse any evil spirits so they wouldn't play any pranks on you.