Mark 9:30-37 Making Room for Greatness. What does it mean to be great in the kingdom of God?


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Presentation transcript:

Mark 9:30-37 Making Room for Greatness

What does it mean to be great in the kingdom of God?

Greatness in the Kingdom of the World

Power Prestige Position Possessions

I had no idea who I was, or what I could be away from tennis. I was depressed and afraid because so much of my life had been defined by my being a tennis champion. I was completely lost. Winning made me feel like I was somebody. It made me feel pretty. It was like being hooked on a drug. I needed the wins, the applause, in order to have an identity.

“If you feel you are not loved, you seek to be admired.” -Aristotle

Greatness in the Kingdom of God

To be great in God’s kingdom means there’s no need to be great at all.

Take the bread Dip it in cup Walk back and wait (don’t eat it) Pause, offer thanks, worship Receive it together

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we have sinned against you through our own fault: --In thought -In word -In deed -In what we have done -In what we have left undone For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our offenses; and grant that we may serve you in newness of life, to the glory of your Name. Amen