LC Mozart Test You are about to answer 30 questions about the vocabulary you need to know for the LEAVING CERT EXAM. You will see a key word or a definition and you will have to write your answer in 10 seconds. Then you will get the answer and the next slide will appear. Good luck!
What is a Concerto? Work for large scale orchestra and soloist
Features of Classical Music Elegant and expressive melodies Piano very important Forms became more developed Alberti Bass
What is Alberti Bass? Broken chord played in LH
Mozarts Style? Skilled composer Clear forms Themes linked Modulations Developed Clarinet
What is a cadenza? Solo section to show skill of player
Ternary Form 3 parts ABA
Form, key and time signature Movt I? Exposition 4/4 A Major
Sonata Form Exposition, Development, Recapitulation
How many movements in Mozart – name forms? 3 Movt I – Sonata Movt II – Ternary Form Movt III – Sonata-Rondo Form
How many themes in Orchestral Exposition? 1a 1b 2a 2b
Name 2 differences between Piano Exposition and Orchestral Exposition? Extra theme at end of Piano Exposition 2a in E major in Piano Exposition
Features of Development Modulations Canon Scales Broken Chords Chromatic Scales
Recap Movt I Fusion Orchestral and Piano Exposition Theme 3 used in recap Cadenza
Movt II – Form, Key and Time Sig Ternary F# Minor 6/8
How many themes in Movt II? Theme 2a – A (F# minor) Theme 2b – A (F# minor) Theme 2c – A (F# minor) Theme 2d – B (A major)
Themes in 2 nd Movt? Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3
Form Movt III Sonata Rondo
Name themes in Exposition? 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 1A
Name keys of themes in Exposition? 1A – A Major 1B – A Major 1C – A Major 2A – E Minor 2B – E Major 1A – A Major
Development Themes - How Many? 3a 3b 3c
Recap – What Themes? 1c 2a 2b 1a and 2b
Coda what key? D Major
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Identify Theme and Movt?
Fill in missing blanks? ThemeKeyBar 1AA Major1 16 A Major32 A Major62 A Major – E Major77 E Minor106 E Major129 E Major176 1AA Major202