Ensuring Long-term Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Local vs. Global Lifecycle Management Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, University of North Texas TLA-2014 Conference Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas
Background ◦ Physical vs. Digital (ETD) ◦ Metadata and Cataloguing Access and Preservation ◦ Format and Integration ◦ Local workflows Lifecycle Management ◦ IMLS funded National Project ◦ Summary
Increasingly, higher education institutions worldwide are accepting only electronic versions of their students’ theses and dissertations. ◦ Libraries have traditionally been responsible for collecting and curating The University of North Texas (UNT) began accepting theses and dissertations in electronic format in ◦ UNT is one of the early adopters of what was to become the ETD movement in higher education ◦ One of the first three American universities to require ETDs for graduation.
Symphony: no. 40, G minor, K.V. 550, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, The characteristic symphony in the age of Haydn and Beethoven, by Richard James Will Music has Isness in the Subjects Sonatas Symphonies Concertos Trios Books about Music and other topics denote aboutness Sonata (as a form) Symphony (as a form) Opera (as a genre)
Currently in MaRCSimilar to Dublin core RDA / FRBR Work Expression Manifestation Item Bibliographic Framework (BibFrames) Creative Work Instance Authority Annotation
Cataloging Description for international audience Unification of all metadata, PDF files, recordings Linkage between various files, audio or text Digital Projects Metadata for each item, Access to the PDF files Access to Recordings Local usage of audio files
◦ Lifecycle Management of ETDs IMLS National Leadership Grant Duration ◦ Project Objective To promote best Curatorial practice To increase the capacity of academic libraries to reliably preserve ETDs. ◦ Project Partners 8 institutions
◦ Nine guidance documents 1.Guidance Documents for the Lifecycle Management of ETDs 2.Guidelines for Implementing ETD Programs – Roles & Responsibilities 3.Guide to Access Levels & Embargoes of ETDs 4.Briefing on Copyright & Fair Use Issues in ETDs 5.Guidelines for Collecting Usage Metrics & Demonstrations of Value for ETD Programs 6.Managing the Lifecycle of ETDs: Curatorial Decisions & Practices 7.Metadata for ETD Lifecycle Management 8.Guide to ETD Program Planning & Cost Estimation 9.Guide to Options for ETD Program
Virus Checking Format Identification ETD Dropbox to handle ETD Submission
◦ Training and Workshop Materials Workshops at: ETD USETDA TxETDA Conferences