Parenting 7- Adolescence Learning Targets
Chapter 14 I can identify steps in the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of school-age children. I can explain the importance of parental guidance and encouragement in the school-age years. I can describe guidelines parents can use for their school-age children’s involvement in sports. I can propose ways parents can help their children adjust to new roles as students. I can explain how friendships change over the school- age years. I can identify some of the causes and symptoms of stress among school-age children. I can propose ways parents can help their children deal with stress. I can summarize the importance of regular medical checkups and physical exams for school-age children.
Chapter 15 I can identify steps in the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of teens. I can differentiate between primary and secondary sex characteristics. I can describe the dangers teens face related to eating disorders; tobacco, alcohol, and drug use; and sexual behavior. I can describe the importance of decision making during the teen years. I can explain the role parents can play in helping their teens establish healthy friendships and dating relationships. I can propose ways parents can help their teens develop healthy self-concepts and self-esteems. I can summarize the importance of medical checkups during the teen years.
Chapter 16 I can describe each stage of Piaget’s theory of intellectual development. I can identify both positive and negative outcomes for each stage of Erikson’s theory of personality development. I can describe each aspect of human functioning identified by Freud. I can differentiate among levels of human need as identified by Maslow. I can explain each level of development in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. I can identify ways parents can access information about child development, parenting, and parenting strategies. I can assess how child development theories and guidelines help parents establish good parent-child relationships. I can summarize the importance of an overall view of child development.
Chapter 17 I can describe the vital role parents play in their children’s development. I can explain how children learn behavior patterns. I can describe three styles of parenting. I can explain effective methods of discipline and punishment. I can analyze the experiences provided by sibling relationships. I can evaluate methods of helping children develop responsibility, honesty, and healthy sexuality. I can summarize the influence of the media upon children.
Chapter 18 I can describe common parenting concerns including balancing work and family roles, divorce, remarriage, serious illness, death, and family moves. I can identify skills and knowledge parents need to handle these concerns. I can propose ways parents can help their children adjust to these concerns. I can summarize community resources available for parents facing these concerns.
Chapter 19 I can describe common family crises, such as substance abuse, unemployment and financial crises, child abuse and neglect, missing children, domestic violence, and suicide. I can identify possible causes for these crises. I can assess the knowledge and skills parents need to handle these crises. I can summarize community resources available for parents facing these crises.
Chapter 21 I can describe parents’ roles in their children’s education, both at home and at school. I can propose ways parents can increase their children’s desire to learn. I can identify the special needs of children with learning disabilities, mental disabilities, physical disabilities, emotional disorders, and giftedness. I can summarize the benefits of inclusion for children with special needs and average learners. I can describe parents’ roles in their children’s health care. I can list common symptoms of childhood illness. I can explain how to care for a sick child.