Racism and discrimination in Europe Policies against irregularity
Racism in Europe Amnesty International: Economic crisis leads to increasing racism in Europe
Racism in Europe Stricter Laws against irregularity Italy- France- East Europe evictions Roma camps A larger number of Europe-irregular migrants in detention Forced returns under inhumane circumstances Access to education and healthcare difficult Ignoring human rights Regime like for criminals or even worse
Racism in Europe England children irregular migrants in detention Slovakia children in schools for children with mental disease Bratislava illegal sterilisation Roma Women Hungarian-Special Task force attacks Roma-at least 9 persons killed Authorities in several countries stimulate a climate of hate against homosexuals A captain in Italy was convicted for saving a boat with Africans. People drawn in the Ocean, because of no help from European boats.
Racism in Europe
Racism in europe European Commission (Brussels) adopts a directive return and removal, in which detention and forced removal are legal Traditional violent racism European Counsel ( Strasbourg) writs a report about the inhuman way EU countries treat the asylum seekers and the irregular migrant, especially in prisons and in the case of forced return. The High Court blocks forced returns by interim measures.
Racism in Europe All over Europe there is an increasing intolerance against Muslims
Racism in Europe A new directive should help to overcome racism
Racism in Europe On 28. November 2009 Jaques Barrot, the European commissioner for justice and security announced the approval of the framework decision ion racism. However, it will take two years to be integrated into national legislation.
Racism in Europe Racism and xenophobia should have no place in Europe and will be punished severely, with hard and effective measures, because intolerance is a direct violation of the principles of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms on which the European Union was founded,’ Barrot said. The framework decision approved on 28 November foresees between one and three years imprisonment for anyone who publicly incites racial hatred and xenophobia, including through the distribution of texts, photos or other material directed against a group or an individual because of their race, colour, religion, nationality or ethnic origin, or who denies or crudely minimises genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. But is it too late for Italy, which fingerprints its Roma gypsy population?
Racism in Europe Action helps
Racism in Europe
In Florence the eviction of Roma was stopped by an action group, in which the Waldensian church. Germany is against the new European directive, Amnesty International has signatures to give support to the European Commissioner for the directive. Amnesty International had this summer a campaign against the Roma evictions in Italy and Rumania. Local Churches in the Netherland gave their support by sending letters. Majors in The Netherlands also send letters to the majors in those countries. The Dutch Synod send letter to the churches in those countries. the existing legislation (EU and national ) and institutions against racism (equalities commissions) ad the (limited ) success they have had in combating racial discrimination
The Netherlands The official national organisation that monitors racism and discrimination in the Netherlands is ART.1 ( in Art. 1 of our constitution law the equality of all human beings is announced, the freedom of speech, religion etc. ) In each region there is an office where people can announce discrimination and racism. Every year a racism and discrimination monitor is published There is a commission equal treatment.
The Netherlands In the report 2009: Racism degreased a little Discrimination and racism mostly are not reported Mostly Muslims experience discrimination Anti Semitism is related to incidents in the Middle east Teeters are most white mail Increasing reported ethnic profiling by authorities
Netherlands A big new political party, a non democratic movement with one man leadership, led by Geert Wilders, called PVV, Party for Freedom, PVV: 15,5 percent, votes, 24 zetels.
Netherlands After the elections of the 10. June negotiations to form a government are going on, between the Liberals, the Christian Democrats and The PVV. As foreseen now the PVV will not be in the government, but give support to a minority government, they will give this and become priorities for some of their points of their programme. Geert Wilders is allowed to say what ever he wants to say about migrants, Muslims etc.
Netherlands The Programme of Geert Wilders - demands an “ethnic registration” of the Dutch population - does proclaim that there is “certainly no moderate Islam” (ibid., p. 13) - suggests the exclusion of migrants from the social security net for ten years (ibid., p. 13)
Netherlands suggests a disengagement of the Netherlands with the EU (ibid, p.15) and suggests that the European Union is similar to the ex-USSR (ibid, p.16) proposes the close down the equal opportunities´ commission (ibid, p.14) - advocates to violate the UN Refugee convention of 1951 by putting a maximum ceiling of for the acceptance of asylum dossiers (ibid, p.15)
Netherlands - believes that multicultural living together is a night mare (ibid., p. 7) - calls for the removal of Dutch citizens of Dutch Antillean origin who committed a crime from the Dutch mainland, (ibid., p. 11)
Netherlands How will racism exist in the future in the Netherlands? Will we need actions of the WCC? May God watch over us.