All the Water on Earth S6E3b: Relate various atmospheric conditions to stages of the water cycle
How is the amount of water on Earth divided up? 3% = Freshwater 97% = Saltwater
Is most of the water on Earth freshwater or saltwater?
All the Water on Earth Saltwater Freshwater Groundwater Rivers and Lakes Ice caps and glaciers Soil and atmosphere
What are 5 Ways You Use Water?
Did You Know… The amount of water on Earth has been the same for eons, however the form and state of water is constantly changing! The majority of the world’s freshwater is in ice caps at the North and South poles…. So we have to get our water from springs, creeks, streams, rivers, lakes and oceans
Two Characteristics of Water Saltwater is found in oceans Freshwater is our primary source of drinking water
Good to Know! The Sun is the driving force of the Earth’s weather And the major source of energy which ALSO powers the water cycle is the Sun…but we will get to that tomorrow.
Where can we get our hands on this freshwater? ¾ Freshwater is Frozen Solid in ice caps and glaciers ¼ Freshwater is Liquid underground A tiny fraction is in lakes & rivers A smaller fraction is water vapor in the atmosphere
So… If we had a water bottle and filled it with 1000mL of water 972 mL would be in saltwater 28mL would be freshwater
Then… Out of that 28mL of freshwater 23.5mL would be stuck frozen in ice caps and glaciers! 4mL would be underground 2mL would be in lakes and rivers 1mL would be in the soil and air
Water never leaves the Earth Water never leaves the Earth. It is constantly being cycled through the atmosphere, ocean, and land. This process, known as the water cycle, is driven by energy from the sun. The water cycle is crucial to the existence of life on our planet.
The Water Cycle
During part of the water cycle, the sun heats up liquid water and changes it to a gas by the process of evaporation. Water that evaporates from Earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, and moist soil rises up into the atmosphere.
The process of evaporation from plants is called transpiration The process of evaporation from plants is called transpiration. (In other words, it’s like plants sweating.)
As water (in the form of gas) rises higher in the atmosphere, it starts to cool and become a liquid again. This process is called condensation. When a large amount of water vapor condenses, it results in the formation of clouds.
You Know This! Think of it like when you take a shower The water is HOT (or warm) Thinking back to evaporation, we know when the water heats, it turns into a vapor and enters the atmosphere Once this vapor hits your cooler mirror, it turns into a liquid again
When the water in the clouds gets too heavy, the water falls back to the earth. This is called precipitation.
When rain falls on the land, some of the water is absorbed into the ground forming pockets of water called groundwater. Most groundwater eventually returns to the ocean. Other precipitation runs directly into streams or rivers. Water that collects in rivers, streams, and oceans is called runoff.
Show Me You Understand! Some of you will receive a card. If you see your part of the water cycle happening, hold your card up and tell the class what it is with a definition. *Hint: evaporation and condensation happen quickly together*