FROM 11A2 葛蕾
Part1-Chinese wedding traditions
The tea ceremony is the most significant event In a modern chinese wedding.It will usually take place on the wedding day when most of the family members are present. The order of service is usually parents, grandparents, grand-uncles and grand-aunties, uncles and aunties, elder brothers and sisters, elder cousins Within each generation, dad’s relatives are served before mum’s relatives. Tea Ceremony
After drinking the tea, the tea ceremony gifts for the bride and groom will be presented on the serving plate. The gifts are usually in the form of red packets or jewellery. Some relatives prefer the bride and groom to wear the jewellery gifts immediately and will even put it on for them. With generous relatives, you may look like a Christmas tree after the tea ceremony! Unmarried elder siblings will not present the couple with gifts after drinking the tea. The bride and groom will present gifts to the younger siblings and cousins who serve them tea. wedding jewellery
Any sweet tea, symbolizing sweetness in the new union, is good for the chinese wedding tea ceremony. You can use sweetened red tea for sim -plicity sake, but some traditional chinese sweet teas are preferred for the good connotations in their names. Lotus seeds and red dates tea ( 莲子红枣茶 ) Symbolizing that the couple will bear children quickly and continuously. Longans and red dates tea (龙眼红枣茶) The longan represents a “dragon” and the wish for having male children. chinese sweet teas
Procedures of the wedding ceremony go to the bride‘s home to escort (护送) her back to the wedding 迎亲
Kick the curtain of the sedan chair (轿子) 踢轿门 Purpose : to kicked off the bride‘s pride 去傲气
Stride the fire pan 跨火盆 Purpose : To counteract evil force 辟邪
obeisance [əu‘beisəns] 拜堂
teasing the bride and the bridegroom on wedding night 闹洞 房
Each half of the symbol is the standard character for happiness, written "hsi" or "xi," and pronounced something like "she" in Mandarin (high level tone – ; the first tone). Therefore, two "hsi" graphs together represents the wish for the two young newlyweds to have happiness together. The double happiness graph (pronounced "shuang-hsi" in Mandarin) is a special Chinese character used for marital happiness. It ’ s not used in regular Chinese writing or printing. Double Happiness
Part2-knowledge about chinese wedding
Incense[‘insens] 香 phoenix [‘fi:niks] 凤凰 taboos [tə‘bu:s] (禁忌) sedan chair 轿子 obeisance [əu‘beisəns] 拜堂 veil[veil] 面纱,面罩,遮蔽物 superior [sju:‘piriə] 长辈 Sacrifice [‘sækrifais] 祭祀品 Even number 双日子 Chinese date 枣 peanut 花生 longan 桂圆 chestnut 栗子 vocabulary worship the heavens and the earth 拜天地 worship the groom‘s ancestors and parents 拜高堂 worship each other 夫妻对拜 stir up the red veil 掀盖头 cross-cupped wine 交杯酒
Combing Hair 梳头 The first combing symbolizes: from beginning till the end. 自始至终 The second combing symbolizes: harmony from now till old age. 和睦永远 The third combing symbolizes: sons and grandsons all over the place. 子孙满堂 The fourth combing summaries good wealth and a long- lasting marriage. 婚姻长久 The whole action also symbolizes the adulthood of the couple.
wedding gown bridal gown 新娘礼服 phoenix [‘fi:niks] 凤凰
Part3 -Differences Between Chinese & Western Wedding.
Western wedding is a romantic type,thewhole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic. In chinese the wedding ‘ s main colors are red which is representive of traditi -onal chinese festive colors.They also makes changing the joyous wedding. e.g. wedding gown (新娘礼服) 、 shoes 、 package (包裹)、 quilt (被子)、 pillow (枕头)、 door curtain (门帘),
Marriage in the church whole wedding ceremony is the most important link. First, with the rhythm of the wedding march, the bride pulling her father's hands go before the groom by her father then she personally handed the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding. then they will be priests and the blessing of everyone, exchanged marriage rings and kiss each other.
After riding in the red bridal bride, the groom rode in front, with matchmaking and Bridal teams to the groom'shouse.Both parents sitting on the court,while the bride and groom were married the next hall. The whole wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, in his command, a bride and groom prepared for the wedding,and worshiped Diocese,then husband and wife worship and send in the bridal chamber.
The reason cause the difference Marriage in the west have all these above differences and the westeners thought that the difference of thinking is directly linked.Chinese are more conservative,like the lively,more old-fashioned thinking,so in chinese history for thousands of year of time the custom of the wedding has not changed much. Another reason is the different religions between west and china.China is a predominantly Budhist( 佛教 ) , But the west is largely Christian.So the wedding in the western is officiated by the priest at church.Chinese marriage customs of the most important part is preparing for the wedding