An electrician is someone who designs, installs and repairs electronics and wires. Source 1 A hardware engineer is someone who designs and/or creates hardware for computer devices. Source 1 Inspectors are people who test electronics to see if they match their description and are ready to be sold. Source 1 A video game designer creates ideas for games as well as art and programming for it. Source 3 Computer programmers write codes that allow computers to function properly. Source 3 Tech support are people who listen to people’s electronic problems and give feedback. Source 3 Computer networking engineers are people who design and test communication abilities. Source 2 Security specialists prevent and stop viruses as well as fix them. Source 2 Cost estimators calculate the cost of a project and assist contractors and designers. Source 1 A technical writing and editor is a person who turn complicated science terms and ideas in to easy to understand language. Source 1
Hardware Engineer Electrician Inspector Video Game Designer Computer Programmer Tech Support Computer Networking Engineer Security Specialist Cost Estimator Technical Writer and Editor