The general who became a slave. The slave gladiator.
The gladiator who defied an emperor.
Maximus Decimus Meridius was a commander of the armies of the north, he was a general of the Felix legions, was a loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
It was 180 AD, Rome was at war with Germanic barbarians.
The Emperor of Rome was Marcus Aurelius
And the general of his armies was Maximus Decimus Meridius.
He always told to his fighters: “What we do in life echoes in eternity”
Rome won all battles.
But Marcus Aurelius was dying.
Marcus had two children: Commodus and Lucilla.
Commodus thought that his father would name him a new Emperor of Rome. The first thing he should do when was honor him with games worthy of his father’s Majesty.
Once Caesar invited Maximus to talk to him.
The Caesar said that he had conquered, spilt blood, expanded the empire for 25 years. Since he had became Caesar, he had known four years without war. Four years of peace in 20. He had brought the sword. Nothing more.
fought for Marcus Aurelius and for Rome. Maximus believed that he fought for Marcus Aurelius and for Rome.
Marcus Aurelius had a dream that was Rome. Marcus wanted that Rome was a republic again.
And he told to Maximus: “When a men sees his end he wants to know there was some purpose to his life”. Marcus Aurelius wanted that Maximus became the protection of Rome after he died. He promised to give power back to the people of Rome and ended the corruption that had crippled it. Maximus hadn’t been corrupted by her politics.
But Commodus was an Immoral man. Cannot Rule.
Maximus was the son that Caesar had to have. Also Maximus commanded the loyalty of the army .
When Commodus had known that he wouldn’t be the Emperor he slew his father. And Commodus became a Caesar .
Fearing Maximus, Commodus ordered his execution. The intrepid general avoided death he tried to safe his family.
He was injured, but he continued his way.
But he was Late.
His wife and son were cruel killed .
Gods didn’t allow to die him. Maximus must revenge .
And soon the general became a great gladiator.
All people called him Spaniard.
At this time Commodus decided to pass the games of gladiators.
Commodus didn’t know that Maximus was alive.
At one of the battle Commodus knew it .
And Maximus promised that he would have his vengeance in this life or the next.
And Commodus decided to fight with Maximus.
Before the battle Commodus wounded him.
Maximus killed Commodus …
and died
He returned to his family …