Roman Emperors Part II
The Year of 4 Emperors (68 A.D.) 4 Emperors fight for Rome You don’t need to know them but just FYI (Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian) Vespasian Wins Builds Coliseum Titus Inaugurates Coliseum Vesuvius Erupts
5 Good Emperors Why good? 1) Improved ability to govern 2) Succession without Civil War 3) All decent men (no Caligula’s or Nero’s)
Nerva (96 A.D. – 98 A.D.) What you need to know about Nerva
Trajan (98 A.D. – 117 A.D.) Expands Empire to greatest extent Wipes out all Dacia (Romania) Trajan’s Column
Hadrian (117 A.D. – 138 A.D.) First Emperor to have a beard (facial hair becomes fashion) Strengthens Rome’s holdings Hadrian’s Wall (across Scotland and England – it’s still there)
Antoninus Pius (138 A.D. – 161 A.D.) A big fat lot of nothing
Marcus Aurelius (161 A.D. – 180 A.D.) Philosopher-King Plague sweeps empire (20-40% of empire dies) Population problems Barbarian invasions Has son named…
Commodus Real Commodus Not Real Commodus NOT one of the good emperors (Marcus Aurelius is the last of the good emperors) Gladiator (story is false) Commodus did not murder his father Rome begins decline
Other notables and not so much… Pertinax (193 A.D.) Praetorian Guard names him Emperor Doesn’t pay them so they kill him and auction off the Empire Bought by…
Didius Iulianus Emperor until the end of the year when… Septimius Severus rules 1st Emperor from Africa (Rome becoming less Roman) Severus Alexander (225 A.D. – 235 A.D.) Began giving citizenship away – didn’t have to work to get it Rome becomes less important, no loyalty Finally, the coolest name of all…
Pupienus He didn’t do anything