Religio in Managing Empire Religio Augustus--First Roman Emperor –Pax Romana Fides –Patronage System Pietas Socio-Economic/Socio-Political concerns in This Life
What Religio is Not! Not Grace/Faith but Fides Not Morals/Ethics but Pietas Not Scriptural writings or theological treatises – Jus Divinum Not Separation between Religion and State Not Individual Devotional Practice Not about this world and the next Not strict divide between human and divine Not universal, all pervasive idea of deity Not Personal, Private, but communal and public Not Belief, but Practice (Ritual)
Philosophy Stoicism –Zeno (3rdc.bce) to Marcus Aurelius (2ndc ce) –Self-Control –Autarkeia (self-sufficiency) –The Wise Man - ethics
Augustan Reforms--Pax Romana Promoting Roman Pietas Reform Priesthoods –Pontifices (Pontifex Maximus) –Augures –Fetiales –Duoviri Sacris Faciundis (Sibylline Books) –Haruspices –Vestal Virgins Reform Temple Cult –Sacrificial Ritual and Socio-Economic Order Religio as Method Managing Empire –Institutionalizing religious traditions of conquest
Religio in Managing Empire Tolerance Syncretism Superstitio Religiones Lictae & Illictae
Rome and Foreign Cult: Examples of Uneasy Alliances Cult of Magna Mater – (Cybele, Phrygia) –204BCE, 194 BCE
Rome and Foreign Cult Example of Uneasy Alliances Cult of Bacchus –Greece (Dionysus) –Introduced in 3rd c. –Banished 187BCE Ecstatic Ritual Personal Redemption Oaths of loyalty
Rome and Foreign Cult Example of Uneasy Alliances Isis Cult –Popular with women and lower classes –Focus on afterlife –Power in this life
Rome and Foreign Cult Example of Uneasy Alliances Judaism –Ancient Cult&Sacrificial Practices –Jewish Law and Moral Philosophy –But also a Monotheism!! –Destruction of Temple (70ce) –Destruction of Jerusalem ( ce)