Slide List # 2: Early Renaissance* Sculpture 15th Century, the “Quattrocento”
1. Nanni di Banco, Quattro Santi Coronati (Four Crowned Saints), c
2. Orsanmichele, Florence, (exterior niches)
3. Annunciation & Visitation, Reims, France 1225-90 [Gothic]
4. Roman Head, c. 200 AD
5. Lorenzo Ghiberti, North Doors Baptistery, Florence, 1403-24. (Baptistery with Duomo & Giotto’s Bell-Tower, general view) Right: North Doors
6. Lorenzo Ghiberti, The Sacrifice of Isaac, Competition Panel for the East Doors of Baptistery, Florence, 1403-24.
7. Andrea Pisano, South Doors, Baptistery, Florence, 1330-35- Overview.
8. Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Isaac, Baptistery, Florence, 1401-02 (competition panel)
9. Donatello, St. Mark, Orsanmichele, 1411-13 Right: Detail
10. Polykleitos, Doryphorus, 450-440 BC
11. Donatello, Zuccone, 1423-25
12. Donatello, The Feast of Herod, c. 1425
13. Donatello, Bronze David, c. 1428-32
14. Donatello, Gattamelata, c. 1445-50 (in situ)- Padua
15. Ancient Roman Equestrian Monument of Marcus Aurelius, c. 165 A.D.
Detail of panels of door 16. Ghiberti, East Doors, the so-called “Gates of Paradise,” Baptistery, Florence, 1425-52. Detail of panels of door
17. Lorenzo Ghiberti, Isaac & His Sons, from “Gates of Paradise,” Baptistery, Florence, 1425-52
18. Lorenzo Ghiberti, Story of Joseph, from “Gates of Paradise,” Baptistery, Florence, 1425-52
18 (A). Lorenzo Ghiberti, Story of Joseph, from “Gates of Paradise,” Baptistery, Florence, 1425-52-- Closer View
19 . Della Robbia, Madonna & Child, c. 1455-60
20. Verrocchio, David, c. 1465-70
21. Verrocchio, Bartolomeo Colleoni (called “Il Colleoni,”) c. 1483-88.