Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative Orientation July 16, 2015 Fernando Perfas Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services Scott Formica Social Science Research and Evaluation, Inc. Lauren Gilman, Massachusetts Technical Assistance Partnership for Prevention Massachusetts Technical Assistance Partnership for Prevention
Agenda Tech Overview Welcome from BSAS Connection between UAD and Other Drug Use Cluster Model and Strategic Planning Fiscal Structure TA with MassTAPP Resources for Talking to Media Upcoming Events and Next Steps
Today’s Webinar Team Fernando Perfas Assistant Director of Prevention, BSAS Scott Formica Social Science Research & Evaluation, Inc. (SSRE) Lauren Gilman Project Director, MassTAPP Ben Spooner TA Provider, MassTAPP Aubrey Ciol Research Assistant, MassTAPP
SAPC Contract Managers Amal Marks SAPC Programs: Barnstable County, Northern Berkshire County, Dukes County, City of Fitchburg, Franklin County, City of Gardner, Hampshire County, Town of Hudson, Town of Needham, City of Peabody, Town of Plymouth, Town of Stoughton, Town of Watertown.
SAPC Contract Managers Tonya Fernandes SAPC Programs: City of Boston, City of Brockton, City of Fall River, City of Gloucester, City of Lynn, City of Melrose, City of Lawrence, City of New Bedford, City of Somerville, City of Springfield, Town of Tewksbury, City of Worcester.
Scope of the Issue Positive trends in the past decade on almost every indicator of underage alcohol use. Alcohol is most commonly used substance among youth. Evidence continues to indicate that underage drinking prevention has spillover effects into other behavioral health areas (e.g., drug use, violence, suicide). Underage drinking prevention is other drug use prevention.
Lifetime* Use of Alcohol Among MA High School Students Massachusetts YRBS (1993 – 2013)
Lifetime* Use of Other Drugs – MA High School Students Massachusetts YRBS (2013) * Lifetime use is any use in one’s lifetime.
Current* Use of Alcohol Among MA High School Students Massachusetts YRBS (1993 – 2013) * Current use is any use in the 30 days prior to the survey.
Current* Use of Alcohol – MA Students by Grade Massachusetts YRBS (2013) * Current use is any use in the 30 days prior to the survey.
Binge* Use of Alcohol Among MA High School Students Massachusetts YRBS (1993 – 2013) * Respondents were asked about consuming “5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours.”
Drank Alcohol Before Age 13 – MA High School Students Massachusetts YRBS (1993 – 2013)
Early Alcohol Use Increases Likelihood of Illicit Drug Use and Dependence* * Hingson, R.W., Heeren, T., & Edwards, E.M. (2008). Age at drinking onset, alcohol dependence, and their relation to drug use and dependence, driving under the influence of drugs, and motor-vehicle crash involvement because of drugs. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Mar;69(2):192-201.
Problem Behaviors in 12th Grade Based on 7th Grade Drinking Status* * Ellickson, P.L., Tucker, J.S., & Klein, D.J. (2003). Ten-Year Prospective Study of Public Health Problems Associated with Early Drinking. Pediatrics, May;111(5):949-955.
Problem Behaviors at Age 23 Based on 7th Grade Drinking Status* * Ellickson, P.L., Tucker, J.S., & Klein, D.J. (2003). Ten-Year Prospective Study of Public Health Problems Associated with Early Drinking. Pediatrics, May;111(5):949-955.
SAPC Grant vs UAD Grant Strategic Planning Process Pilot Strategy Cluster Model Reporting Requirements: MIS Reports and Quarterly Narratives Cost-Reimbursement Grant
Fiscal Structure
SAPC Timeline July 1, 2015 April 29, 2016 June 30, 2016 Key upcoming deadlines (pilot strategy memo) final strategic plan due date
SAPC Timeline – Pilot Strategy REQUIRED: ONE partner municipality (or lead municipality/agency, if applicable) must identify and begin to implement a pilot of one universal prevention strategy by November 2, 2015. No later than October 12, 2015 Lead municipality/agency must submit a memo to BSAS that includes the following: An outline of the pilot strategy that will be implemented while the strategic plan is being developed The partner municipality/agency being designated to implement the pilot strategy A one-page description of the designated partner’s capacity and readiness to implement the strategy, as well as the need for and the appropriateness of the strategy in that community *Determination of which partner municipality will implement the pilot strategy should be determined collaboratively by the members of the Cluster. Priority should be given to communities that demonstrate both a capacity and readiness to implement the strategy as well as the need, and appropriate fit.
Your MassTAPP TA Team Kat Allen Tracy Desovich Carl Alves Amanda Doster Lauren Gilman Jessica Koelsch Gary Langis Deborah Milbauer Alejandro Rivera Ben Spooner Jack Vondras
MassTAPP TA support Technical Assistance Provider is your point of contact Individualized assistance + expertise of the entire team Group TA and information sharing (webinars and in-person Opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing Resources on MassTAPP’s website
SAPC Guidance Document
Responding to Media Inquiries Substance abuse prevention is a high-profile issue! Remember – you don’t have to respond to inquiries right away Questions? Contact your TA provider or your BSAS contract manager Need resources? Check our web site: Strategies for Working with the Media The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Messaging for Substance Abuse Prevention
Communications Conference
Next Steps Webinar on Tuesday, August 18th at 11:00AM to go over timeline in detail, ask questions and get clarification Build your team and establish a protocol for shared decision-making Get your cluster up to speed on the Strategic Prevention Framework Stay in touch with your TA provider!