Articles First: The indefinite article a or an is used with singular, countable nouns to refer to a thing or an idea for the first time. Ex: we have a Toyota and a BMW There’s a supermarket in Adam street.
Articles Second: The definite article the is used with singular and plural, countable and uncountable nouns when both speaker and the listener know the thing or idea already. Ex: we have a Toyota and a BMW. I drive the Toyota and my wife drives the BMW
The indefinite article : Articles The indefinite article : 1 with professions(Occupations). I’m a student.. 2 with some expressions of quantity. 3 With exclamations what+ CN. What a lovely day!
The definite article: Articles 1 before seas, rivers, hotels, theaters, and newspaper. 2 if there’s only one of something. 3 with superlative adj.
Articles NO article: 1 before plural and uncountable nouns when talking about thing in general. Hard study is good for a student. 2 before countries, towns, meals. He had breakfast with Tom. 3 before some places and with some forms of transport.
Articles 4 in exclamations with What + UN. What beautiful weather!!! NOTE: In the phrase go home , there’s no article and no preposition. I went home early.
Done by: Maha Daryakhan Group: 9 Articles