Effective Research Skills Select Your Topic. Read research requirements before beginning. Make a list of questions to help guide your research.
Selecting and Using Sources Print materials: Media Center Card Catalog, Visual Search has link to books containing information on various Young Adult Writers Note the location and availability in card catalog – write down call number (ex - B is Biography, Ref 920 Min, Fic Row)
Print Source Locate a book written by the author. You may find information on the back of the book or the front/back inside cover. If using a reference source, such as Biography Today, locate the index and search for the author’s last name. Note the volume number you need and page number.
Conducting Online Research How to Locate and Evaluate Internet Resources
Many people know a lot about technology but NOT a lot about how to search the Internet! Can you search effectively?
Electronic Searching
Ever try to locate information online and you get too many results?? or no results at all?
Usually, people use search terms that are too broad. This will produce too many results that are not relevant to your topic. The Big Mistake
Example: Assignment – Your teacher wants you to determine if the element mercury is toxic. You “google” mercury….. and retrieve millions of webpages…
Your results: Mercury Car Planet Mercury Try Again! You realize the word “mercury” has several different meanings. So you add another search term. You “google” Mercury Element.
Wrong Again! Your first webpage is about a god in Roman mythology named “Mercury.” Add another specific term to your search box: Mercury Element Toxic
If you use specific phrases or keywords pertaining to your topic, you will save time… and be more successful in obtaining the results you need!
But – I found it on the Internet? Treasure... or Trash?
Why do we need to evaluate web sources? Virtually any person can publish almost anything on the Internet. Unlike most print sources, web sources do not have to be professionally accepted and edited to be published.
Before clicking on the link, look to see if it is a personal page. Check out the domain name or the “dots”:. gov = Hosted by a U.S. government agency.com = For-profit business, personal sites.edu = Educational organization.org = Nonprofit organization.net = Hosted by a network.biz = Business site (newer than.com).ac = Academic organization (outside the United States) ~ = personal webpage
Try the C.A.R.S. evaluation checklist: Try the C.A.R.S. evaluation checklist: C – Credibility A – Accuracy R –Reasonableness S - Support
Credibility Author? Has contact information? Appearance of site Sponsor or organization? Warning signs: Anonymous Information Misspellings, faulty links, messy appearance, out-of-date Accuracy Copyright Date? Last update? Are the facts related to this topic?
The material is presented objectively, not slanted and bias? Does the information make sense, given what I know of the world? Is it believable?Does the information make sense, given what I know of the world? Is it believable? Does the information contradict itself?Does the information contradict itself? Reasonableness Warning signs: Manipulative or emotional language, one- sided information, a conflict of interest between the source and the objectivity of the information. Support Has the author provided documentation? List of sources?
Using a database, such as Discus:
Discus - Advantages Online Encyclopedia vs. Print Encyclopedias Magazine, Journal, Reference vs. Internet Site Often has photographs Cites the source for you – look for citation link at top of article or bottom of page Ex. SOURCE CITATION: "Lois Duncan." Writers Directory, 24th ed. St. James Press, Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale,
Select Appropriate Database Use Search Box – type in keywords
For Information on Young Adult Authors using the Discus database: Try Biography Center, Books and Authors, Book Review Index Online, Literature Resources (Gale), Literature and Language link (Kids Infobits) or Junior Edition Literature links
Additional Information to remember – Cite your sources, clip art, photos. Give credit where credit is due! The media center Cite Slips that you can use to document. You can also find sites online that document for you –