1 Unibanco´s Consolidated Results for the Period Ended September 30, 2001 Conference Call November 9, 2001 Unibanco´s Consolidated Results for the Period Ended September 30, 2001
2 Net Income and Equity YoY%QoQ% 3Q00 2Q013Q01 Net Income (R$ million) %46.4% Earnings/1000 shares (R$) %28.7% Equity (R$ million)6,0655,7884,3914.8%38.1%
3 Results and Capital Adequacy ROAE21.9%16.2%20.5% ROAA2.1%1.6%2.1% Basle Ratio13.3%14.4%16.9% (Central Bank of Brazil) 3Q00 2Q013Q01 ROAE 20.5% 16.2% 3Q002Q013Q %
4 Loan Portfolio In R$ million YoY% QoQ% Sep/00 Jun/01Sep/01 4,5054,2432,7626.2%63.1% %8.6% %10.9% 2,5052,4161,7733.7%41.3% General Purpose Lending Trade Finance Consumer Credit Real Estate Leasing Credit Cards 12,64712,2128,7003.6%45.4% 3,8474,0723, %25.3% Subtotal16,49416,28411,7701.3%40.1% Subtotal8,3428,0195,7454.0%45.2% Total24,83624,30317,5152.2%41.8%
5 Loan Growth In R$ million Total GrowthUnibanco and Bandeirantes 100% of Fininvest Jun/01Sep/01 Sep/00 22,995 23,466 24,303 24,836 1,308 17,515 1, % 2.2% 31.3% 2.0% 41.8% Note: Bandeirantes was acquired in Dec/00.
6 Loan Breakdown June 2001 R$ 24,836 million Large Corporate Corporate Middle Market Credicard and Fininvest Retail Banking 0.8% Private September 2001 R$ 24,303 million Large Corporate Corporate Middle Market Credicard and Fininvest Retail Banking 45.2% 30.7% 8.7% 1.0% Private 14.4% 45.3% 31.2% 8.6% 14.2%
7 Credit Quality Note: Total risk, including the loan portfolio and other receivables. 40.6%43.8%43.9%40.8% 39.1%37.9% 41.9% 27.1% 26.7%28.2% 29.9% 30.8% 32.1%25.5% 10.1% 9.3% 9.9% 9.8%10.0%10.3% 11.2% 14.4% 11.5% 9.7% 10.3% 10.9% 10.6%12.7% 7.8% 8.7% 8.3% 9.2% 9.1% 8.7% Mar/00Jun/00Sep/00Dec/00Mar/01Jun/01Sep/01 16,013 17,32717,83322,14823,473 24,901 25,457 AA A BC D-H R$ million
8 Credit Quality % AA - CTotal Portfolio (R$ million) Note: Total risk, including the loan portfolio and other receivables. 91% 92% 91% 92% 24,901 23,473 22,148 17,833 17,327 16,013 Mar/00Jun/00Sep/00Dec/00Mar/01Jun/01 91% Sep/01 25,457
9 Over 60 Days Past Due Credits / Total Loans Q002Q003Q004Q001Q012Q013Q01 % Unibanco consolidated excluding Fininvest Unibanco consolidated
10 Loan Loss Provisions In R$ million 9M013Q002Q013Q019M00 Provision for loan losses (initial balance)1,6541,5611,1451, Expenses with provisions for loan losses , Incorporated Balances Loan charge-offs(436)(340)(313)(1,081)(762) Provision for loan losses (final balance)1,5641,6541,1721,5641,172 Net charge-off / Total loan portfolio1.3%1.1%1.3%3.3%2.7% Loan recovery
11 Funding Funds in Local Currency31,75531,18520,9751.8%51.4% Funds in Foreign Currency 12,76112,2648,0014.1%59.5% Total Funds44,51643,44928,9762.5%53.6% Assets Under Management19,86819,03917,2384.4%15.3% Total Funds + Assets Under Mgt64,38462,48846,2143.0%39.3% QoQ% Sep/00Jun/01 YoY% In R$ million Sep/01
12 Deposits Demand Deposits2,2952,2901,6850.2%36.2% Savings Deposits4,2084,1632,6881.1%56.5% Interbank Deposits %126.5% Time Deposits9,7418,1154, %94.9% Total Deposits 16,46614,8869, %73.9% Sep/00Jun/01 Sep/01 QoQ% YoY% In R$ million
13 Fee Income 9M009M01 2Q01 Tariffs and Commissions Credit Cards Asset Management Total ,5971,169 3Q003Q01 In R$ million
14 Personnel and Administrative Expenses 9M009M01 2Q01 Multiple Bank ,5881,428 Multiple Bank ContAtiva Bandeirantes Subtotal Bank+Bandeirantes ,9331,428 Fininvest Other Subsidiaries & Affiliates TOTAL1, ,9542,109 In R$ million 3Q003Q01
15 Main Changes in Personnel and Adm. Expenses In R$ million 3Q01 vs. 2Q Tecban Credicard Bandeirantes Multiple Bank Volume growth Stake increase Collective bargaining agreement 2001: R$ 30 ContAtiva: R$ 4 Transfer from Bandeirantes: R$ 39 Increase in service fees / others: R$ Total Personnel and Adm. Expenses 31 (*) Others (*) Blockbuster R$ 5.1MM; Serasa R$ 4.6MM; Cartão UBB R$2.7MM; Branches abroad R$2.1MM; Interchange R$1.0MM; UAM R$0.5MM and others.
16 Main Changes in Personnel and Adm. Expenses
17 Fee Income / Personnel & Adm. Expenses R$ Million , Q002Q013Q % 55.0% 52.3% Personnel & Adm. Expenses Fee Income Fee Income/Personnel and Adm. Expenses
18 Efficiency Ratio (1) (Personnel Expenses + Other Administrative Expenses) / (Net Income from Financial Intermediation + Provisions for Loan Losses + Fee Income + Insurance, Capitalization and Pension Plans Premiums + Changes in technical provisions for insurance, capitalization and private retirement plans + Claims + Private Retirement plans benefits expenses + Selling and other insurance and private and private retirement plans expenses expenses + Credit card selling expenses + Taxes + Other Operating Income - Other Operating Expenses) Efficiency Ratio (*) Number of Employees 3Q % 3Q % 9M00 19, % 9M % 29,673
19 9M00 9M01 3Q00 3Q012Q01 Revenue from financial intermediation3,4052,5461,6658,3684,767 Expense on financial intermediation(2,365)(1,726)(1,008)(5,688)(2,775) Profit from financial intermediation1, ,6801,992 Fee Income ,5971,169 Insurance, capitalization and private ,3111,016 retirement plans Personnel / Administrative(1,071)(962)(734)(2,954)(2,109) Operating Income , Net Income In R$ million Consolidated Income Statement
20 Effects of FX on Investments Abroad 3Q012Q01 Exchange rate fluctuation on investments abroad Cost of Hedge (141.8)(46.5) Income abroad Opportunity Cost (75.7)(64.5) Managerial impact of investments abroad In R$ million
21 BIS Ratio Changes in the quarter: - Risk weighted assets growth(0.6)% - Equity growth 0.6% (mainly net income) - Foreign exchange exposure(1.1)% (according to Central Bank’s guidelines) BIS Ratio - June 30, % BIS Ratio - September 30, %
22 Organic Growth Plan - ContAtiva ContAtiva : 1.8 million customers 3 year-goal (Jan/01 to Dec/03) ContAtiva : 1.8 million customers 3 year-goal (Jan/01 to Dec/03) Open:66 branches 135 Corporate-site 58 In-store branches Investments:R$180 million Expense Growth:R$200 million Incremental Income:R$500 million
23 Organic Growth Plan - ContAtiva Goal 540,000 New Accounts Opened - Jan to Sep/01 September : 85,000 Real 643, % Annualized growth rate: 19%p.a.
24 Banco Bandeirantes’ Integration Estimated Expenses Actual Expenses # Branches Apr18-May 08-Jun22-Jun 06-Jul20-Jul 03-Aug 17-Aug 31-Aug 14-Sep 28-Sep 19-Oct Nov Dec R$ million # branches 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 5,000 Concluded BaselineR$ 597,890 EstimatedR$ 385,93235% Real+IntegrR$ 365,90939% Ongoing Running Rate
25 Branch migration fully completed by October 2001 Estimated reduction of 35% of Banco Bandeirantes’ annual costs, was exceeded reaching 39% at the end of September Banco Bandeirantes’ Integration
26 Strategic Alliance: Ponto Frio 50/50 joint-venture between Unibanco and Globex, controlling shareholder of Ponto Frio Ponto Frio: 2 nd largest consumer durables retail franchise million clients, 350 stores, R$ 2.5 billion in annual sales Some 2 million contracts outstanding; credit portfolio of R$ 430 million as of June/2001 Expected portfolio growth: 16-20% p.a. for 2002/ % p. a. for Supports commercial operations of other retailers through an integrated system and delivery platform Cross selling opportunities
27 50/50 joint venture between Fininvest and Magazine Luiza Magazine Luiza: 3.3 million clients, 111 stores in 92 cities, R$ 600 million in annual sales, strong presence in the interior of São Paulo, western Paraná and southern Minas Gerais - highly complementary to Ponto Frio´s network Cross selling opportunities Allows Fininvest to have access to Magazine Luiza’s client base Deal concluded on Sep 10 th ; financial settlement by the end of September and beginning of operations in October 1st. Strategic Alliance: Magazine Luiza
28 Acknowledgement Unibanco joined the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) in the last annual revision. The DJSI consist of the leading sustainability companies in 33 countries. The index encompass the top 10% of the companies that lead their industry in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria. Unibanco is the first Brazilian company to obtain a corporate governance rating. The company was graded with a 8.4 ranking on a 1-10 scale by SR Rating, which represents an advanced stage of corporate governance. The rating is based on best Brazilian and international corporate governance practices.
29 For more information contact our Investor Relations Area at phone: / 1313 fax: IR site: ( select Investor Relations Option)