Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 PURPOSE The Commercial Publication Program takes advantage of bulk ordering and library-specific discounts (20-60%) to save money for USAF. Using central appropriated funds (APFs) frees unit funds for other purposes. Items purchased by the library are commercially available publications like books, eBooks, DVDs, audiobooks and magazine & newspaper subscriptions deemed essential to the mission of the personnel in an office. All commercial publications are to be ordered through or coordinated with the base library staff IAW AFMAN V2, PT 2. Office Collections and Off-Site library collections of Air Force materials may be cataloged into the Library’s online system to facilitate discovery -- contact the Library Director for more info.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 RESPONSIBILITIES The Library Director authorizes the purchase of mission essential materials for units on, or affiliated with, the base. The Senior Library Technician is responsible for purchasing items through the AF system and tracking the inventory. Each office or unit must appoint an Office Account Custodian. A current appointment letter must be on file with Bateman Library (updated annually).
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 RESPONSIBILITIES C ONT’D Office Account Custodian responsibilities : Ensure the organization is receiving all materials that have been purchased by the Library. Notify the Library staff if subscriptions are not received. Maintain an inventory of items purchased by the Library on loan to the office. Maintain approval documentation in official files for audit purposes. Return the materials to the Library when they are no longer required.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 MISSION ESSENTIAL: DEFINED (AFI September 2014) 5.3. Defining Mission Essential Resources. Mission essential informational resources are publications and services that directly bear on the functions, initiatives and operations of AF agencies that personnel must use to make decisions and effectively carry out the installation mission Functional commanders, division chiefs or civilian equivalents certify mission essential requirements for their organizations and appoint office custodians to manage the accounts.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 REQUESTING MATERIALS Materials are purchased between 1 January and 1 July of each year, depending upon central funds availability. Purchase requests for offices are on a first come first served basis. When library funds are not available unit funds may be used ex. government purchase card (GPC) after coordination with the Library Director. Materials are requested through the use of the Publication Request Form which is available on the Library website:
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 REQUESTING MATERIALS C ONT’D Purchased materials, like books & DVDs, are part of the Library inventory and are on loan to the office for an indefinite period and subject to an annual inventory. Purchase justification must include: certification of mission essentiality, number of personnel using the item(s), and the reason why the item cannot be housed in the Library and checked out by personnel when needed.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 REQUESTING MATERIALS C ONT’D Subscriptions will be delivered to the address entered in the “Office Address” box on the form. Items with online access will require a POC’s name and address. Each year, office personnel will review their annual subscription requirements to determine deletions or additions.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL EXCLUSIONS (AFI September 2014) NOTE: Excluded organizations must coordinate purchases with the Library Director and maintain documentation for audit purposes Organizational Exclusions. These AF organizations may not purchase mission essential publications with library central funds as they have other funding sources: Tenant activities funded with non-AF appropriations. Contact local host-tenant POC to determine non-AF activities on the installation Foreign military sales (FMS) activities. Refer to AFI , Volume Airman and Family Readiness programs. Refer to AFI MWR Category C activities in all locations except for those at headquarters; congressionally approved remote and isolated locations IAW AFI , paragraph 3.1; and for areas involving health and safety deficiencies IAW AFI , paragraph Resources for CAP. These organizations have other funding sources AFR and ANG Surgeon General (SG) and Defense Medical Programs Activity (DMPA) Judge Advocate General (JAG). Refer to AFI , Automated Legal Information Services and Library System RDT&E activities funded exclusively with 3600 funds Depot maintenance organizations funded with AF industrial funds. Refer to DoD R, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation; Volume 2B, Budget Formulation and Presentation Family housing referral offices. Refer to AFI , Volume 1.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM PURCHASING 5.9. Unauthorized Purchases. Libraries may not fund or purchase categories of materials or services listed in Attachment 7 for offices, organizations or agencies. Purchase of unofficial publications, such as the Air Force Times and local newspapers, is generally not an appropriate expenditure of central funds for offices other than Wing or Mission Support Commanders, or equivalent; Public Affairs offices; and First Term Airmen and Leadership schools. A7.1. Non-mission support recreational publications and materials for dayrooms, lodging, air terminals, VIP aircraft, distinguished visitor lounges, community activity centers, family support centers, youth and child development facilities and hospital and clinic waiting rooms. A7.2. Training aids and multiple copies of materials and textbooks for use in military and civilian education programs, family support centers and religious activities. Training materials should be purchased with unit training funds. (AFI , Voluntary Education Program and AFI , Chaplain Planning and Organizing). A7.3. Copies of publications available from the AF Electronic Publishing Library and Electronic Transfer System. A7.4. Technical orders and publications normally furnished by manufacturers for equipment maintenance and operation. A7.5. Professional Development Guides (PDG), Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT) and United States AF Supervisory Examination (USAFSE) guides as well as commercially produced writing guides for the AF Efficiency Reports. (AFI , Air Force Military Personnel Testing System and AFI , Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems) A7.6. Decisions of the Comptroller General. Documents may be accessed at the Government Accounting Office (GAO) web page ( and the Government Printing Office web page ( A7.7. Personal purchases for individuals, such as Air Force Times. A7.8. Visual information products such as films and photographs. (AFI , Public Affairs Responsibilities and Management). A7.9. Computer application software programs for offices, organizations and agencies supported by AFLIS that are not information products, including compact discs. A7.10. Defense Mapping Agency products such as Federal Supply Class 7640 cataloged maps, atlases, charts and globes; and all other maps, charts, flight information publications (FLIPS), air target materiel, point positioning data and geodetic products. (AFI , Geospatial Information and Services). A7.11. Cataloged and non-cataloged sheet and book music IAW AFI
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 COORDINATING GPC PURCHASES Use the Publication Request Form to coordinate the use of a unit GPC purchase. Completely fill out the Publication Request, including all justification info, and send it to the Library POCs for coordination. Office POCs retain the approved Publication Request Form in official files for audit purposes.
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 FORMS & TRAINING SLIDES Office Collection Custodian Appointment Form Publication Request Form Office Collection Training Guide These are available on the Library website
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 GUIDANCE AFMAN V2, Pt. 2 Chapter 9 & Attachment 9B AFI Chapter 5 AFLIS Central Procurement Guide AFI V AFI , 2.3.3
Bateman Library, LAFB, VA 2015 LIBRARY CONTACTS & ASSISTANCE For assistance and information on all office publication purchases or contact Bateman Library staff: Ms. Leslie Smail, M.S.L.S.Ms. Jonatha Basye, M.L.I.S. Library DirectorSenior Library Technician