What is a proposal?
Proposal Informative and persuasive writing Educate and convince reader to do something
Goals of Proposal Persuade customers to purchase goods or services Persuade reader to fund project or implement a program Believe solutions given are practical and appropriate
Importance of Proposal Attract new business, sales clients and projects Attract funding for further studies To secure fund for new programs
Size of a Proposal Some brief and informal Some lengthy and detailed
Format of a Proposal Introduction (summarize problem & propose solution) Main body (details of what you are proposing) Conclusion (how solution will benefit reader)
What is Fund Proposal? Money used to fund individuals or organizations to be used for specific projects → fund To receive fund, a formal request must be submitted → Proposal No repayment
Components of Grant Proposal Cover Letter (info of applicant, how money is used, why applicant is suitable for the fund)
Body (goal to achieve with the fund, details of the propose program/project, how money will be used, timeline to achieve the goal)