The Budget Learn how to generate income for intramural programs. Learn how to control expenses for intramural programs. Learn how to use computer spreadsheets to calculate an intramural budget.
Terms Revenue is money that is brought into the program from such things as student fees, rentals, fund raising, and sponsorships. Expenses refer to the money that is spent for the program to cover costs of salaries, rentals, equipment, supplies, travel, and promotions. Ideally these numbers balance each other. A balanced budget is a budget in which the expenses equal the revenue. A deficit budget is a budget in which the expenses are higher than the revenues and the budget ends with a negative balance (in the red). A surplus budget is a budget in which the expenses are lower than the revenues and the budget ends with a positive balance (in the black). To keep track of these numbers on paper or on computer one needs a sheet with many rows and columns. A spreadsheet is a document with many columns and rows useful for keeping track of budgets.
Revenue Generation Fees for participation –Principles Costs in relation to organization’s objectives Market conditions Fees discriminate against the poor Fair pricing –Different options Different fees at different times/different uses Balancing participant needs Parking? Rental of facilities
Fund Raising Check with institution Financial goal Investment Need a dedicated staff “Tried by others?” Job descriptions Implement Evaluate, thank, and celebrate
Different fund raisers –Events Socials Shows Others –Contests Tournaments Competitions Cake walk 3-point shooting contest Penny contest –Services Auctions Services Tours –Product Sales Concessions Publishing ideas
Sponsorship--Partnership Benefits to program ($, VIK, both) Benefits to company –Visibility –Public goodwill –Sales –Samples –Public awareness –Improved company image
Sponsorship process –Be true to yourself –Do your homework –Submit a proposal Goals Community needs Who benefits How many people Budget Length Other sponsors Exactly what is asked for Get terms in writing Service the sponsor Sign again
Expenses Terms –Expenses Direct expenses Indirect expenses Staff Training Facilities
Equipment –Tendering Documents Letter of invitation Instructions Conditions Technical specifications Select companies Obtain offer Evaluate offers Award contract Control –In general –Grade school and high school –Post-secondary
Promotion and awards Office Travel Insurance
Cost savings –Partnerships on campus –Partnering off campus
Tracking a Budget Using Spreadsheets
Provide a detailed annual budget for your program. Describe income sources such as: –Fees –Fund raising –Sponsorship –Advertising
Describe expenses –Staff –Training –Facilities –Equipment –Promotion and awards –Office supplies –Travel –Insurance Describe partnerships on and off campus Develop a comprehensive budget for your program on a spreadsheet