Ventricular Tachycardia in Pediatrics
Definition: tachycardia of at least 3 successive ventricular beats.
Terminology Non-sustained: rhythm lasts <30 seconds and terminates spontaneously Sustained: lasts >30 seconds and usually requires therapeutic intervention
Ventricular Tachycardia Most commonly seen in kids with abnormal hearts. Many asymptomatic Symptoms you can see: pallor, fatigue, and chest palpitations. In infants, VT often manifests as feeding intolerance.
Ventricular Tachycardia Better prognosis in kids that have a healthy heart. Causative factors (outside of an underlying cardiac disease): drugs, caffeine, decongestants, and electrolyte imbalances.
ECG Wide QRS complex (>120 msec) Tachycardia (usually has a regular rhythm) P-waves may or may not be recognizable, depending on ventricular rate. T-waves typically opposite in polarization to the QRS QRS complex may vary in appearance if ectopic input is multifocal.