It tells a story about a specific event or experience Includes all the key events of a story Uses descriptive and sensory information Uses a single point of view
Provides an organizing focus/idea Significant event Significant experience Significant relationship
Get the reader engaged Use sensory details Engage the five senses: taste, smell, sight, sound, touch Scenery, season, scents, dialogue, etc Use figurative language Similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, etc.
If you’re telling a story it should be in chronological order AKA: Time Order Put the events in the order in which they occurred
Every detail used refers back to the main focus of the paper Stay on topic!
If it starts in past tense, it should end in past tense You decide the tense…BUT…then you have to stick with it!
Helps the reader follow the sequence of action Possible examples: After a short timeAfterwardsAs long asAs soon as At lastAt lengthAt that timeAt the same time BeforeEarlierOf lateImmediately In the meantimeIn the pastLatelyLater MeanwhileNowPresentlyShortly SinceSoonTemporarilyThen ThereuponUntilWhenWhile
What happens just after the story ends? Does Billy realize the danger he faces? If he does, is it too late, or does he escape? Write a narrative that describe Billy’s and the landlady’s fate.
1. Make a list of three possible ways the story could have ended. 2. For each ending, find at least 3 ways this could have been accomplished 3. Decide which ending you would like to write about