The Jewel of the Crown The British Take Over India
I. Background 1600 ’ s — British East India Company sought and received trading rights on fringe of Mughal Empire India home to many people and cultures; many languages/traditions obstacles to unifying As Mughal power declines, British play rival princes off each other to increase power
II. British East India Company Goal of the East India Company is profits; many officials become very wealthy BEIC works to improve roads, preserve peace, reduce banditry to guarantee business Western education and legal procedures are implemented in areas of BEIC control
II. The BEIC continued Christian missionaries arrive; try to convert practitioners of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam Westerners work to put an end to the caste system, end sati for widows Indians resent domination; Indians kept out of important posts; policies benefit British
III. Increasing Tension British attempts to end certain religious practices brings resentment Treatment by BEIC military often seen as harsh and brutal 1850 ’ s: Sepoys (Indian troops) required to serve anywhere in world needed by Britain
IV. The Sepoy Rebellion 1857 rumor spreads that rifle cartridges for troops are sealed with animal fat: cows or pigs Sepoys dismissed without pay if refuse to use cartridges; sepoys rebel in Northern and Central India British crush the revolt and take revenge by slaughtering thousands
V. Direct British Rule 1858 Parliament puts India under direct rule; increases taxes on Indians British viceroy governs in the name of Queen Victoria Civil service and army are controlled by the British, Indians occupy lower positions Begin to modernize India: roads and railroads; communication; use India as market for goods and source of raw materials
VI. Impact of British Rule Trade increases following the completion of the Suez Canal in 1869 Britain floods India with inexpensive machine made textiles, destroying small weavers Britain encourages nomadic herders to settle and raise cash crops (cotton, indigo)
VI. Impact of British Rule, cont. Medical improvements increase population, therefore straining food supply; millions become impoverished Upper class Indians send sons to England for education, get civil/military posts, and become rich off of trade
VII. Reaction in India Some Indians (mostly upperclass) want to modernize, others want to preserve old ways Western-educated learn about democracy, liberalism, and want end to imperial rule Nationalism grows: “ India for the Indians ”
VIII. Nationalist Movements 1885: Indian National Congress (Congress Party) want to use peaceful means to achieve eventual self-rule; mostly professionals 1906: Muslim League worried about Hindu domination, want separate Muslim state 1900 ’ s more protests and resistance with goal of complete independence