Background Launched in Feb 2007 at Hanoi 3 rd MfDR Roundtable Two year workplan ratified by members at 1 st annual meeting (Uganda) Core Management Team established: Five Sub-themes * With monthly meetings in French and English – Networking and Coordination – Membership & Decentralization – Knowledge Management & Publicity – Capacity Building – Monitoring and Evaluation
Current Activities Thematic, expert led, E-discussions – English launched in April, French launched in June – Overarching theme: Integrated Results-Based Management – To date: 2/3 discussions have taken place on 2/3 topics – Sharing ideas across language streams via translated discussion summaries
Thematic Group Achievements – Networking & Coordination, Recognition, and Sustainability presence at key meetings (Kigali consultative workshop, Asian CoP meeting, JV MfDR & High Level Forum in Accra) – Decentralized Structure and Active Expanded Membership Launching country-based CoP’s (Niger, Mauritius & Zimbabwe) Enrolling new members through personal invitations – Membership has doubled since annual meeting, now totaling over 300 from 40 countries – Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and Publicity Developing promotional Materials (flyer, poster, brochures for Kigali consultative meeting and Accra marketplace) Overseeing production of bi-monthly AfCoP newsletters – Capacity Building Launching electronic discussions led by international MfDR experts Expanding the electronic resource library –currently developing this Developing a practitioners database through the website –not yet started – Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation of the AfCoP
Targets and Indicators Up to 15 CoP member countries disseminated their good practices in MfDR Up to 6 newsletters published per year Up to 30 new documents posted in the electronic library Up to 2 members participate in the Asian CoP annual meeting and one African-Asian partnership is formed. Up to 2 countries implement Phase One of the Country Self Assessment Tool. Up to 50 listings within the e-directory of practitioners, experts and academics. Up to 4 members submit up-dates on implementation of National Action Plans. AfCoP is considered to be useful and relevant by 80% of its core group members. 80% of the AfCoP member countries adopt the results-based M&E framework at national level
Member Survey Results Over 2 weeks – 43 responses
Member Survey Results “The AfCoP is a useful and relevant resource and tool in achieving Development Results” On a scale of 1- 5, 82.5% voted 4 and 5 Modes of communication in order of preference 1.Current mode: e-discussions (75.5% voted as top choice) 2.Text messaging 3.Podcasts 4.Monthly targeted videoconferences in small groups 5.Audio conferences 6.Live chat rooms
Important Features of the AfCoP in % of members indicated that the electronic library would be very valuable 75% of members indicated that the newsletters are very important 72% of responses indicated that the database of practitioners would be valuable but some details still need to be worked out To increase membership (in order of preference): 1.Increased presence at regional and international meetings 2.Hold regional capacity building events through e-platforms 3.Encourage member invitations to colleagues at home and abroad
Strengths Diversity of members Increases understanding of MfDR and helps us share knowledge Provides a forum for valuable discussions on specific themes Provision of expert opinion and moderation in discussions Dr. Arun Members are able to feel less isolated, connected to others facing same situations and challenges The quality of ACTIVE members
Weaknesses / Challenges Not engaging enough of the right people (govt, policy level people but also more grassroots) Not visible enough, need more publicity and “branding” Discussions topics are difficult for members to respond to (too “high level”) Members do not/cannot devote enough time to AfCoP Not enough staff dedicated to this community / lack of resources A wholly virtual community is challenging in African context Adults learn when they are benefitting from the learning and it is relevant to them---need to make this more clear
Suggestions Membership needs to be wider and more varied in terms of fields and levels Discussions need to be more concrete, based on real cases and challenges that members are facing AfCoP needs to be creating products and tools Would benefit from more focus on national level Need to engage in strategic partnerships
Conclusions: Moving Forward Opportunities – ownership, priorities, new directions, AAA, greater presence Need to stay responsive to members Engage more people to play an active role Review structure of the management Review technology options