Moving Towards Independence Colonial Leaders Emerge Military Operations The Question of Independence. A Declaration.
2 nd Continental Congress May 1775 The cream of the Colonial Crop of political thinkers Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock join the list from the 1 st Continental Congress.
Congress Assumes Control Printing of Money Post Office Committees to negotiate with other countries and the Native Americans. Establish the Continental Army and Appoints GW to lead it.
Olive Branch Petition A formal request to the king to protect the rights of the colonists that were being eroded by Parliament. Q. What rights were they talking about? Q. What is the symbolism behind the Olive Branch?
No Peace for George
News From the Front Arnold, Allen, and the Green Mountain Gang serve the Red Coats Crow at Ticonderoga.
News From the Front General Montgomery invades Canada and Captures Montreal.
News From the Front Hero of Ticonderoga attempts capture of Quebec. Valiant men lay siege to city but to no results. Arnold wounded and winters in Ticonderoga.
Washington Assumes Command in Cambridge
State of the Militia Over 20,000 Troops mostly from New England. Most lack military skills and training Enlistments range from 6 months to 1 year. Q. Most of these men are farmers, who is taking care of the farm?
News From the Front While troops train in Boston, Knox leads a small force to recover artillery left at Ft. Ticonderoga.
Key terrain in Boston occupied by Washington. Knox’s Cannon secretly placed and defenses constructed in under cover of darkness. British decide to quit Boston on March 17th News From the Front
Coming Attractions Slides for the Week: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Abigail Adams, Thomas Paine, and The Declaration of Independence.