Today’s Sermon: Mark 10:28-40, “Jesus Tells Disciples That Whatever They Sacrifice Here They Will Receive 100 Fold In This Life Plus Eternal Life / The Disciples Were Amazed At Jesus Walking Up Ahead Of Them To Jerusalem” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp
Outline of today’s msg: 1. Peter will ask Jesus what those who have given up everything to follow Him will receive. 2. Jesus’ disciples are amazed and fearful because of His determination and boldness in walking ahead of them. 3. Jesus proclaims again His impending crucifixion, death, and resurrection. 4. James and John will ask Jesus if they may sit at His right and left hand.
Mark 10:28-31: Peter asks Jesus what they will receive who have left all to follow Him
The context of the question: rich young ruler story
Was Peter’s heart wrong in asking this question?
The twofold promise: 1. An hundred fold payback in this life. 2. Eternal life in the world to come.
The warning for the twelve not to take their position and blessings for granted: ‘But many who are first will be last, and the last, first’
Mark 10:32a: The disciples are amazed and fearful watching Jesus walking ahead of them
Seeing Jesus with His face determined, walking courageously out ahead of His disciples, we who are His disciples shoud be encouraged to: 1. Trust Him with our lives. 3. Be encouraged to step out. 2. Let Him lead us in suffering and in triumph.
The disciples were also fearful as they watched Jesus
Mark 10:32b-34: Jesus again took the twelve aside and proclaimed to them His impending crucifixion, death, and resurrection
This is the fourth of five times Jesus foretold His crucifixion and resurrection: Mark 8:31-32 Mark 9:10-13 Mark 9:30-32 Mark 10:32-34 Mark 14:26-28
Mark 10:35-40: James and John ask Jesus if they may sit at his right and left hand in His kingdom
Matthew records that it was actually the mother of James and John who came up to Jesus and asked Him this request: Matthew 20:20-23
Jesus tells James and John, ‘You do not know what you are asking’, there is a cup and a baptism that they would have to experience to be placed in such positions.
Jesus tells James and John that they indeed would endure the ‘cup´ and undergo a ‘baptism of fire’ because of serving Him.
Conclusions: 1. We should not weary in well doing, we have a promise of a hundredfold return for all we give up in this life, plus eternal life in the next. 2. We should trust our lives to the one who so steadfastly was determined to go to Jerusalem and be crucified for our sins, and be courageous as He was courageous. 3. Be comforted that the cross we bear, persecutions we endure, and the things we suffer for His sake we shall be rewarded for when we enter His kingdom.