Lesson 5: The First Gospel Sermon
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study The first part of Peter’s remarks was a response to the people (2:14-21). The facts of the gospel are strongly set forth (2:22-24). – Jesus of Nazareth (specifically identified, not just any Jesus—cf. 4:10; John 19:19) – God attested Him to you by miracles, wonders and signs to prove His divinity. – You know this is true – attested to you…In your midst, as you yourselves also know. – God delivered Him by His determined purpose and foreknowledge. – You, with lawless hands, crucified Jesus and put Him to death. – God raised Jesus from the dead – this is the emphasis of this entire sermon. – The facts of the gospel are plain, perceptible, powerful and provable beyond doubt!
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study The resurrection of Christ, and the proof thereof, is the foundation of Christianity (2:25-35). – The resurrection of Christ was predicted in the Old Testament (2:25-31; Psa. 16). – The resurrection of Christ was witnessed by the apostles (2:32). – The resurrection of Christ was the only explanation for what they were seeing (2:33). – The resurrection of Christ was necessary for Christ to reign as King (2:34-35).
Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study Conclusion to undeniable evidence of His resurrection, exaltation & enthronement (2:36). – Know assuredly – can be certain; absolutely no possible mistakes or contradictions – This Jesus (from Nazareth, whom you crucified and God raised from the dead): God made Him “Lord” – the authoritative one, sitting on God’s universal throne God made Him “Christ” – the anointed one, sitting on David’s lineal throne
Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding The resurrection of Christ is the pivotal, foundational event of Christianity. The death of Christ on the cross was according to the plan of God (2:23). Miracles of God had a purpose and they fulfilled their purpose (2:22-24, 32-33).
Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding Scripture announced & affirmed the present reign of Christ on David’s throne (2:29-35). – David knew God would raise up his seed to sit on his throne (2:30; 2 Sam. 7:12-13). – David foretold Christ’s resurrection, which was a precursor to His enthronement. – Christ’s reign was to be (and is) a “heavenly” reign (in heaven at God’s right hand). There is a clear difference between the soul and the body (2:27, 31; cf. Matt. 10:28). There is a clear distinction between Hades and the grave (2:27, 31; cf. Rev. 1:18).
Practical Points of Application for Our Lives If God loved me enough (1) to know that I would disobey Him, bring sin into my life and be separated from Him and (2) to still purpose (before ever creating the world) to send His Son to die the cruel death of the cross and to navigate the course of history to make it happen, THEN such knowledge should compel me to serve Him joyfully every day. Just as God would not leave Jesus’ soul in Hades, He will not leave ours there either. God can and will accomplish His mission. We learn what God is looking for in a sermon.