EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Automatic Fire Detection and Characterization by MSG/SEVIRI A. Bartoloni, E. Cisbani, E. Zappitelli.


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Presentation transcript:

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Automatic Fire Detection and Characterization by MSG/SEVIRI A. Bartoloni, E. Cisbani, E. Zappitelli (Telespazio/Rome) B. Greco (ESA/ESRIN) Monitoring the summer of 2003 forest fires of Spain and Portugal, part I

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t TOC / Credit  Approach  Assumptions  Fire Equation  Performance on real data  Validated Data  Comparison  Fire Evolution Characterization  False Alarm / Efficiency  Implementation  SEVIRI data  Processor Flow Chart  Conclusions  User Needs  Prospect Credit: -ESA/CDMC: Prototype processor implementation and analysis of real SEVIRI data (this presentation) -ESA/FiresMed: Simulated data analysis -FIRES/RIT-NASA: Original ideas (for GOES)

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Rationale Use of existing Satellite Sensors for fire detection and characterization  Need of high spatial sensitivity  Smart processing  Use Polar sensors data Geo-stationary sensors Polar sensors  Need of frequent revisit  Geo-stationary Optimal Sensors (non existing)

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Approach  Quasi-stationary parameters from polar sensors  Fast changing quantities from geostationary sensor/SEVIRI  Improved spatial sensitivity by multi band, sub-pixel exploitation  Contrast analysis for fire temporal changes enhancement  Procedure based on a simple Radiative Transfer Model Looking for thermal ground changes SWIR/MIR/TIR atmospheric windows Ground emissivity Background/Fire Temperatures/Size, Atmospheric water vapor content Include atmospheric transmissivity, ground emissivity, solar term

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t (t+  t) - = Effective Pixel Fraction Change Fire temperature Background temperature Atmospheric and Solar changes neglected (except SWIR)  One equation for each atmospheric window in IR/TIR (t) FireBackground Fire Equation The technique is sensible to fire variations

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t SEVIRI MODIS  Overall Excellent Image Quality  Geolocation pretty good  Frame coregistration second order effect in detection  Saturation effects on very large fires (see images) SWIR ch 3 MIR ch 4 TIR chs 7,9,10 Input Data: SEVIRI Radiances

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Implementation: Processor SEVIRI Radiances Sea/Land and plain Cloud Masking Estimate Bck. Temperature Estimate TPW Compute Acquisition Geometry Evaluate Solar Terms Minimize Fire System of Equations Ground Emissivity Detected Fire Characteristics Cuts on: - Minimization Residue - Fire Temperature - Minimum Fire Size - Minimum Power Processor: Pixel Based, fully automated and parallelizzable

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Data for Processor Characterization Heavy Cloudy  SEVIRI/MSG Data:  sparse temporal coverage due to acquisition station malfunctioning  Commissioning data!  Raw Validated Data:  MODIS: ch 21/22 + ch 31  BIRD: MIR TIR  m  Test Case:  Portugal Fires beginning of August 2003  No Ground Truth analyzed ! BIRD Calibrated/Geolocated Images from BIRD DLR

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t  Visually identify hot spots on BIRD MIR image and corresponding ones on MODIS  Define background and fire ROIs Validation Fires 04/Aug/03 12:03 BIRD/MIR Red: BIRD Yellow: MODIS (4 Aug) Fire Background  Apply the traditional sub-pixel Dozier method (MIR/TIR) to the fire ROI  Assume as firing pixels those with temperature above K (starting plateau)  Retrieve hot spot characteristics:  fire / background temperature  burning area  fire power  location

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Validated Data Consistency BIRD – MODIS comparison

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t SEVIRI Detection on 04/Aug/03 10:45 12:00 11:00 12:15 11:30 12:45 09:15 11:15 12:30 09:00 11:45 10:15 14:30 T B A Available SEVIRI frames (15 minutes apart) on 4/Aug/2003 T: Terra MODIS B: Bird A: Aqua MODIS

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t SEVIRI Detection SEVIRI 04/Aug/03 12:00 upsampled Red: BIRD Yellow: MODIS (4 Aug) Green: SEVIRI (4 Aug) BIRD 12:03 04/Aug/03 downsampled

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Performance SEVIRI 04/08/03 12:00 upsampled BIRD MIR detail Box = SEVIRI fire detection (04/Aug/03) Box Area ~ Fire Power

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Performance

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Performance NOTE: -several false alarms associated to cloud boundaries (next) -a bunch of them due to SEVIRI saturation 158 Frame Processed = pixels  Processing Time: 20 min whole Iberian Peninsula (on Athlon 1.7 GHz) False Hits False Alarms: 6·10 -5 /pixel

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Long lasting hot spots  Detected on Aug 1st by SEVIRI  Size and Power variation (SEVIRI) generally smaller than corresponding MODIS/BIRD quantities

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Large, 1 day fire

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t A different fire

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Long lasting, moving fire  Fire moves from SW to NE  MODIS/SEVIRI/BIRD geolocations do not fully agree

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Fire Parameters Distributions 04/Aug/2003 Fires

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Movie NOTE:  several frames are mission  The detection is sensible to fire condition changes  Very High radiances in TIR have been not processed MIRVIS08SWIR TIR 8.7TIR 11

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Noise from clouds MIRVIS08SWIR TIR 8.7TIR 11

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Search MODIS images for fire outbreaks between two consecutive acquisitions: TERRA 10:45AQUA 14:00  24 fires identified (1-5 Aug)  17 Detected by SEVIRI (histogram)   SEVIRI/MODIS Efficiency ~ 70%  some SEVIRI frames are missing SEVIRI-MODIS Detection Efficiency

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t Up to 2 hour before MODIS Processor False Alarms: better than /pixel HRV channel can be used to improve the location ~70% MODIS efficiency User Needs and Detection Perf.

EUMETSAT 2004, March 24 th Earth Observation Dep.t First results of the prototyped, fully automated, geo- stationary fire detection processor on SEVIRI commissioning data show: –comparable efficiency with MODIS (visual analysis) –reasonable false alarms rate –fire characterization capabilities First results of the prototyped, fully automated, geo- stationary fire detection processor on SEVIRI commissioning data show: –comparable efficiency with MODIS (visual analysis) –reasonable false alarms rate –fire characterization capabilities Next generation of SEVIRI sensors may fulfill the tight user requirements Conclusions Margin of improvements (at least): –effective cloud masking (reduce false alarms) –better integration of the SWIR channel (replace MIR on saturated pixel) –moving toward a contextual analysis –validation on ground truth data (fire reports) Margin of improvements (at least): –effective cloud masking (reduce false alarms) –better integration of the SWIR channel (replace MIR on saturated pixel) –moving toward a contextual analysis –validation on ground truth data (fire reports)