What is our closest neighbor in space?
In your notebook, write down some facts about the moon. (Back of p. 10) You should have a Total of 10 facts. Need some help?? 1.Does the Moon always look the same? 2.What is the Moon made of? 3.When can you see the Moon?
The moon has always been considered a powerful and mysterious object by people throughout history. People made up stories about its origin, appearance, and influence to help them explain what they observed or wanted to believe about the white object in the sky. Myth – traditional stories, usually of unknown origin, that explain some phenomenon in nature. Father Moon, named Yasi, was ruler of Earth and creator of all life, according to the Siriono people of Eastern Bolivia. This is their story of why Yasi went into the night sky.
Do you think that the Moon is visible outside right now? If we took a walk outside would we see it in the sky?
Turn to page 17. Look at the picture of the moon and record any observations you see from this picture.
Take out the questions for Lunar Myths. Turn to Rona in the Moon. During your observations, some of you observed these round holes. These holes are called craters.
Craters – round structures (holes) of various sizes with various details. Maria (mare) – large dark gray or black areas that are fairly smooth. (Mare – means “oceans” in Latin) Highlands – light-colored areas with lots of rough mountains and craters. Rays – the white lines that extend in all directions from some craters. Rilles – structures that look like canyons or rivers.
Turn to page 17 in text Based on your moon observations, create 5 questions that you want to know about the moon. What categories can you put these questions into? Lunar – Surface Features Lunar Statistics Lunar Geology Lunar Phases Lunar Origin Moon and Humans
Read the rest of the myths and answer all of the questions. Write your own myth about the moon. During this time, one group will be going to the computers to look up moon words and phrases.