Jane Eyre Artifacts By: Gina Potter
Artifact 1 The film “The Little Princess” is about a young girl whose father goes to war. She is sent to a very nice school, but when they find out of the death of her father they begin to treat her with extreme disrespect. They lock her up in the attic and make her clean, cook and wait on the other children attending the school. This is somewhat like Jane’s life because her parents had died and she was sent to live with her uncle who died as well, therefore she was left in the care of her aunt. Her uncle was the only one who showed her care. Her aunt treated her with extreme disrespect and she always thought of Jane as a deceitful child and a liar. Both the girl in the film and Jane found it difficult to find any sense of love in their new lives.
Artifact 2 To a Jilted Lover Cold on my narrow cot I lie and in sorrow look through my window-square of black: figured in the midnight sky, a mosaic of stars diagrams the falling years, while from the moon, my lover's eye chills me to death with radiance of his frozen faith. Once I wounded him with so small a thorn I never thought his flesh would burn or that the heat within would grow until he stood incandescent as a god; now there is nowhere I can go to hide from him: moon and sun reflect his flame. In the morning all shall be the same again: stars pale before the angry dawn; the gilded cock will turn for me the rack of time until the peak of noon has come and by that glare, my love will see how I am still blazing in my golden hell.
Artifact 2 cont’d This poem represents Jane’s feelings for Rochester and why she decided she must leave Thornfield. She was madly in love with him but she was afraid of becoming prisoner to her feelings. Throughout the poem the author talks about how much she loves this man but the word choice makes it seem as if she is running away. This represents how Jane was afraid that she would put her feelings above the right thing to do. She thought that if she stayed with Rochester she would loose her dignity, and all that she stood for.
Artifact 3 Dear Diary, I feel lonely now. I have lost my dear friend Helen. I walked to her bed last night, and we had the most beautiful conversation about God our Father, and although she was sick I assured myself that she was not to die soon, for she seemed too calm and peaceful. She spoke to me of Heaven, which was to be her last home. Oh how it sounds like the most wonderful place. We lay together and she spoke so calmly. She was happy. She was happy to be with me as I was to be with her. She told me not to grieve, but that shall be quite hard for I know not what else to do. I have lost her. Our last words were shared before she fell asleep for the last time; Good-night. I awoke this morning by the nurse, who carried me back to my dormitory. I was not scorned today, for everyone else had something else to think about. Oh how I will miss my dear Helen, but I promised her I shall no grieve. I know she is happy in heaven. I have lost everyone and every sense of belonging I have ever known. I know not where else to turn.
Artifact 3 cont’d Jane lost everything. She had no family, and never sensed belonging in her life. Helen was the first friend she made; the only person who she felt truly cared. After Helen’s death she did not know where to turn. This diary entry shows the sense of belonging in which Jane is constantly ins earch of but has never aquired.