E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague 20071 CERN Test beam (part II) Erika Garutti, Fabrizio Salvatore.


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Presentation transcript:

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague CERN Test beam (part II) Erika Garutti, Fabrizio Salvatore

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague Beam instrumentation description 500 m beam 3x3 10x10  trigger * all in mm News on the beamline 1) beam info from CERN database available from run ) Cherenkov operated for e/  and  /p separation 3) 3 x/y pairs of MWPC with double readout 4) amplitude r/o of 1cm thick scint. counter (20x20 inner_veto) + outer_veto with 20x20 cm hole to tag double particle 5) 10x10 cm trigger only (no 3x3) 6) hodoscope installed for initial muon runs and from ECAL chip irradiation to end hodoscope

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague the veto counter 10 GeV e- run for analysis use analog readout in crate / slot / fe / chip / chan : 172 / 12 / 4 / 0 / 17 possible cut veto < 7000 ADC ch 20x20 cm 2 veto counter amplitude readout available only from run on

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague the outer veto rate : 10x10 trigger 1500 pps OR of outer counter AND 10x10 50 pps in binary files: bit 5 & 6 = 10x10 trig coincidence bit (1 or 2 or 3 or 4)&(5&6) = veto in LCIO files: ifVetoXY(), X=D, U (Down, Up) Y=L, R (Left, Right)

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague Clean-up examples events cut by no-outer-veto OR events cut by inner-veto Ampl<7000 ADC ch. maybe interesting event selected (?!) with outer-veto

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague the Cherenkov counter Cherenkov bit available from run on as bit 13 in binary files isCherenkovTrigger() == 1 (0) for electrons (pions) in LCIO files normally used for e tagging at E < 30 GeV from run to the Cherenkov gas was changed from He to N 2  achieved p/pi separation !!! for these runs isCherenkovTrigger() == 1 (0) for pions (protons) in LCIO files beam H6B 11 m long gas vessel PMT H6A

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague He beam E [GeV] Pressure [bar] beam E [GeV] Pressure [bar] min. pressure N2N2 Pion/Proton separation pion threshold proton threshold ECAL HCAL Cherenkov ON = pions Cherenkov OFF = protons 1 mip-like particle

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague MWPC alignment MWPCTDC# TDC channel# 1-left00 1-right01 1-down02 1-up03 2-left04 2-right05 2-down10 2-up11 3-left12 3-right13 3-down14 3-up15 * all units in mm alignment performed by CERN survey group cable mapping

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague MWPC performance this year much better collimated beam also at low energy 6-10 GeV still broad distribution beam impact point tuned by shift crew  differences ~ 1cm from run to run

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague the hodoscope correlation hodoscope_X / MWPC_X and hodoscope_Y / MWPC_Y provide 1 additional x-y point between last MWPC and ECAL from 14 th August readout from the DAQ

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague Detector performance Total data taking time 7 weeks SPS uptime 80.7 % Beam controlled by H6B 76.1 % (94.4 % of uptime) DAQ on beamData 60.2% (79.1 % of beam in H6B) DAQ on calibration 7.8 %

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague ECAL plots made on shift with online analysis tool (thanks Allister) NO corrections applied e-e+ chip test

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague ECAL noise pedestal fluctuation during one run (slot 19, run ) 80GeV hadrons at ECAL (0,+3) The hadron passes the ECAL (almost) undetected and generates showers in the HCAL A gap effect? known effects of noisy layers and pedestal fluctuations also this year

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague ECAL chip irradiation 5 position scan for each of the 4 chips on the special ECAL slab -90 GeV electron beam used ~1.2 M events per chip from Roman analysis

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague AHCAL plots made on shift with online analysis tool NO corrections applied  -  + 10 o 20 o runs < marked as odd HCAL longitudinal profile

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague runs < high energy points will determine the constant term

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague muon calibration 20 deg 10 deg 0 deg muon in HCAL noise ~ 5 mip

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague current and temperature jump of 300 uA ?! slow increase of 10 uA large temperature variations: ~ 0.5 K day-night > 4 K over 3 weeks  to be accounted in SiPM calibration

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague HCAL current map at 10 V bias all currents should be = 0 uA  possible cause: single SiPM (out of 108 connected) with short circuited

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague TCMT 180 GeV pion strong HCAL-TCMT correlation TCTM always operational LED system was off after stage rotation

E. GaruttiCALICE collaboration meeting, Prague DAQ performance 90 Hz limit of DAQ in spill 120 Hz limit of DAQ out of spill limited by beam rate