Etruscan Kings expelled. Republic formed A representative democracy 509 BC BC Empire 27 BC AD Republic Fell
Roman Republic Romulus and Remus ( myth story)
Laws written on 12 Tables in 451 BC 2 classes of people Patricians Plebeians
The Senate—300 Patricians How does the Republic run. Controlled Treasury and Foreign Policy The Assembly of Centuries--- also Patricians These were the Roman Army. From this assembly were elected the Magistrates 4 types of magistrates---1. Praetors ( judges) Could veto each other 3. Censors to keep records for taxes 4. In time of war, a dictator for 6 months 2. Executive branch Consuls. ( there were 2)
The Assembly of Tribes Plebeians From this assembly were elected 10 Tribunes who could veto or block laws
The contributions of Rome
1. From 27 BC to 180 AD 200 years of Roman military might.This was a period of international social cohesion. The Romanization of the world. Trade expanded, arts and sciences thrived. This is the Pax Romana 2. Latin Language Latin is the root of the romance languages. Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Romanian. Latin was the universal language for many years.
The Roman Laws of the Nations applied to all citizens in the empire. This replaced the original Civil Law on the 12 tables. Some important principles were 1. All persons are equal before the law. 2. Accused persons are guaranteed legal protection 3. Guilt had to be established “clearer than daylight,” using solid evidence.
4 Engineering Roads, bridges, aqueducts and marble buildings. (many still in use) The Dome, arch and column used effectively to Support weight. Also had vaulted ceilings & they Invented concrete. the application of science and mathematics to develop useful structures and machines
During the reign of Augustus, Jesus was born. During the reign of Tiberius, Jesus was crucified. Christianity began to spread after death & resurrection of Jesus. Christians are 300 years. Constantine stops persecution in 313.
6. Literature Fiction ---- Vergil---Epic poem Aeneid Non fiction —. Tacitus--- wrote history of the Germanic peoples
Ancient Rome had eleven major aqueducts, built between 312 B.C. and 226 A.D. the longest was 59 miles long. It has been calculated that in imperial times, when the city's population was well over a million. The distribution system was able to provide over one cubic meter of water per day for each inhabitant: more than we are accustomed to use nowadays. FYI
Planets named for Roman gods
1.a dark age 2. anarchy 4. The Catholic Church and it’s structure 3. Germanic Tribes and Kingdoms the foundation of modern Europe