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Presentation transcript:


Methodology Overview Policy analysis Institutional analysis Financing analysis Impact analysis

Policy analysis Goals and objectives of IDC policy at National Level (e.g. promoting growth, poverty reduction, governance reform) Goals and objectives at Ministerial Level Consistency with other related polices (e.g. trade policy, economic cooperation)

Policy analysis Strategies for achieving policy objectives ◦ Strategy towards international groupings, triangular cooperation, preferred cooperation mechanisms Position on latest international policy debates ◦ MDGS and their replacement ◦ Development effectiveness (e.g. Busan partnership) ◦ Models of South-South Cooperation ◦ Climate Finance

Institutional Analysis Mapping of roles of ◦ Central government agencies (e.g. TICA, the Cabinet, NSEDB) ◦ Key line ministries (e.g. education, health, agriculture) ◦ Other key relevant public bodies (e.g. NEDA, EXIM Bank)

Institutional Analysis Existing institutional arrangements for ◦ Policy making process ◦ Coordination between and across ministries ◦ Budgeting resource allocations ◦ Recording financing ◦ Program implementation monitoring ◦ Impact evaluation and monitoring ◦ Communicating policy to the public

Institutional Analysis Review of financing instruments being used ◦ Grants ◦ Concessional loans ◦ Technical cooperation ◦ Support for multilaterals ◦ Other…

Institutional Analysis Review of partnerships for development ◦ Domestic partnerships with CSOs, research institutes, universities, the banking sector etc. ◦ International partnerships with regional networks, UN, OECD-DAC, development banks,

Financing analysis (based on OECD definitions) Official Development Finance Official Development Assistance Grants Financial In-Kind Technical Cooperation Contributions to multilaterals Loans Other official flows

Financing analysis Objective is to prepare reports on ◦ Finance by type (e.g. Grants, loans etc.) ◦ Finance by country recipient (e.g. Lao PDR, Myanmar) ◦ Finance by provider (e.g. TICA, Ministry of Health) ◦ Finance by sector (e.g. health, education etc.) Review alignment of financing with policy Quality of analysis dependent on information received

Impact analysis Program evaluations (either formal or based on interviews) Explore beneficiaries of financing

Recommendations Policy recommendations Institutional recommendations Recommendations on how to use finance more effectively and efficiently Support development of master plan

Approach to research Desk-based research (relevant policy documents to be analyzed, financing information – if available) Interviews (see questions in Annex 1) Financial information ◦ Ministries to complete templates

Next steps Start interviews Review budget database ODA workshop