Canterbury College Engineering Department BTEC Level 3 Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma & Extended Diploma in Engineering Student Induction
Teaching Staff The following people are associated with the Edexcel Level 3 Engineering Course Course Tutor: David Kirkness (Year 1) Paul Lewis (Year 2) Paul Lewis (Year 2) Subject tutors Paul Lewis, Michael Cooke, David Kirkness, Alex Guntripp and Damien Burton Paul Lewis, Michael Cooke, David Kirkness, Alex Guntripp and Damien Burton All of the above personnel can be contacted on The course tutor can be contacted via Further course information can also be obtained at
Lateness and Absence Any lateness and absence is to be reported to the college by contacting: Paul Lewis (Extension 1115) If no answer leave a message on the answer phone When you are late, you need to report to T209 to inform a member of staff and collect a late slip for your class tutor.
Lanyards and ID Cards Lanyards are to be worn at all times Your student number is your computer user name Your password is your date of birth 6 digits dd/mm/yy this can be changed once you log in.
Safeguarding We all want Canterbury College to be a safe and secure place for everyone to work and learn together. "Safeguarding" is the term used to describe the legal and human obligations we all share to help keep Canterbury College a safe place for everyone who studies, works and visits here. Lut Stewart - Director Student Support Services
Health & Safety Any accident or near miss needs to be reported to any member of the department staff.
First Aid Any first aid needed to be reported to any member of the department staff who will call a first aider. Or go to reception and they will call a first aider. The reception extension is 1330.
Fire and Bomb Alarm If the fire alarm sounds you need to leave the building and go to fire muster point B do not take time to collect belongings as this can put you and others at risk. (Fire Alarm is a continual ringing sound) In the event of any other emergency you will be asked by a member of staff to leave the building and go to fire muster point B taking all of your belongings with you. (no alarm will sound)
Smoking The college has a NO SMOKING policy However there is a smoking area for staff and students next to the old bike shed (you will be shown where this is) This is the only place on campus where smoking (of any kind) is permitted.
Finance & Travel If you require additional support, contact the Student Information Centre
The Course This course aims to give the student a practical and academic introduction to the world of engineering dealing with areas such as Mechanical Maintenance, Electronic Circuit Construction, and Computer Aided Design. This course aims to give the student a practical and academic introduction to the world of engineering dealing with areas such as Mechanical Maintenance, Electronic Circuit Construction, and Computer Aided Design. As the National Diploma is a practical/academic work related course, you will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations and activities. As well as learning about the employment area you have chosen, you will develop the skills you need to start or progress a career. As the National Diploma is a practical/academic work related course, you will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations and activities. As well as learning about the employment area you have chosen, you will develop the skills you need to start or progress a career.
Timetable Timetabled days will be on: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Those learners who are taking or retaking GCSE will also be required to study Maths on Wednesday between 9 am and 11 am. English GCSE will be studied between 9 am and 11 am on Thursday.
Units On the National diploma you will be completing the following units: 1 - Health and Safety in the Engineering Workplace 2 - Communications for Engineering Technicians 3 - Engineering Project 4 - Mathematics for Engineering Technicians 5 - Mechanical Principles and Application 6 - Electrical and Electronic Principles 8 - Engineering Design 10 – Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials
Units 12 - Applications of Mechanical Systems and Technology 17 - Computer Aided Drafting 19 - Mechanical Measurement and Inspection Techniques 28 - Further Mathematics for Technicians 31- Applications of Computer Numerical Control in Engineering 35 - Principles and Applications of Electronic Devices and Circuits 53 - Electronic Measurement and Testing 60 - Electronic Fault-finding
E Tracker and VLE As a part of your induction you will be introduced to the E Tracker and VLE. Both are very important elements to help you with tracking and support on your course. You should be able to find details of assignments, feedback, deadlines and outcome achievement on the E Tracker You can also submit your assignments online using this tool. It is very important that you become familiar with using E-Tracker early on in your course.
Functional Skills What are Functional Skills? Functional skills are the skills that you need in order to operate confidently and successfully in school, college, university, work, training, and life in general. During your year at college you will be required to complete one functional skill. This will either be Application of Number or Literacy. Functional Skills are assessed by exam, there is no portfolio. Important Note If you wish to proceed to another level of study at the college, then you must have completed and passed one functional skills.
Assessment and Deadlines Your tutors will set you a range of activities that will enable you to achieve the qualification. Some of these tasks will be specifically designed to teach you the techniques and skills you will need to develop in order to be able to undertake the grading assessments. The assessment will take several forms and could be any of the following methods. Assignments Assignments Experiments Experiments Observed and checked workshop tests Observed and checked workshop tests Reports Reports Formal written tests Formal written tests Deadlines are published on E-Tracker. You must submit your work by deadline or the maximum grade your work can achieve will be a pass, not taking into account extenuating circumstances
Student Contracts The grade you earn whilst studying your national diploma is very important and will have a great bearing on your future career To help you maximize your potential and take ownership of your own learning you will be required to sign a student contract This contract will contain statements regarding standards of acceptable behaviour, attendance, punctuality and submitting your work before deadlines expire. If you fail to meet the standards then don’t be surprised if you are asked to attend a meeting with your friendly course tutor and course co-ordinator….
Overall Grade 5 points for a Pass 6 points for a Merit 7 points for a Distinction
UCAS Points BTEC Level 3 Qualifications attract UCAS points which are needed in order to progress on to University Many Level 3 Students will progress on to University after year 2 even IF they are adamant that they will not during year 1 A BTEC Level 3 is equivalent to 3 A Levels Generally speaking you will need a minimum grade of DMM in order to get acceptance at most Universities. Obviously the higher your grade the better you chances of attending the University of your choice.
Progression After completing Year 1 you may be invited back for year 2. Invitations for year 2 are based on achievement, behaviour, attendance and punctuality. Following the completion of the 2 year course, you could progress onto a HNC, HND, Degree or apprenticeship or employment.
Appeals If you are unhappy with the grade you have been given for a submission you can follow the appeals procedure as outlined in your course handbook. Generally speaking disputes are usually solved amicably but occasionally the the Lead Internal Verifier will be involved for serious disputes.
Tutorial You will have an individual tutorial with one of the course team to discuss your progress and set SMART targets for you to achieve. Tutorials will be once every 6 weeks.
Vandalism/Stealing Vandalism/stealing will not be tolerated Anyone caught vandalizing/stealing equipment will be removed from the course
Plagiarism Your work will be checked to make sure it is your own and not copied from other students or the internet. Students involved in plagiarism will be required to resubmit all copied work (both copied and copier) Further incidents will result in disciplinary action and ultimately could mean you are removed from the course WE ARE VERY GOOD AT SPOTTING PLAGIARISM !!
Work Experience As a part of your study program you will be required to undertake some relevant work experience Work experience should be a minimum of 30 hours over the 2 years of study You must produce evidence which underpins the work experience undertaken. This would generally be in the form of a portfolio with written details of the tasks undertaken supported by witness statements from the person responsible for your stay in the workplace.