R ESOLVING C ONFLICTS Objective 1: Identify and describe compromise and the negotiation process. Objective 2: Identify and describe the mediation process Objective 3: Identify and describe how some schools are using peer mediation. Objective 4: Identify and describe gangs, why someone might join a gang, and activities gangs take part in. Objective 5: Apply the benefits and possible drawbacks of apologizing to others
O PEN B OOK Q UIZ Lesson #2 pages Pass out Lesson 2 Quiz and a red scantron to each student. FOR THE SCANTRON: Under the subject line, please write: Ch. 9 Quiz, lesson #2 Under class, please write: Your class period
R ESPONDING TO C ONFLICT There are times you can simply walk away. This will give you a chance to calm down so, if needed, you can later discuss the problem rationally. If walking away will not resolve the conflict, many times minor conflicts can be solved with a compromise. It is unwise to compromise when doing so could have harmful consequences or would go against your values. Share some examples when you should not compromise.
E FFECTIVE N EGOTIATION Negotiation: the use of communication and, in many cases, compromise to settle a disagreement. The Negotiation Process: involves talking, listening, and considering the other persons point of view. Mutual respect is an important factor in a successful negotiation.
S TEPS OF THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS 1. Take time to calm down and think over the situation 2. Each person takes turns talking without interruption. Use good listening and “I” messages”. 3. If necessary, ask for clarification to better understanding. 4. Brainstorm solutions 5. Discuss pro’s & con’s of the solution 6. Agree on a solution 7. Follow up to see whether the solution has worked for each person.
P REPARING FOR NEGOTIATION Choose a time and place carefully: Should be done when both parties are calm and are not rushed. Meet in a quiet place or neutral ground. Check your facts: Make sure your understanding the information is based on accurate facts. Plan what you will say: Think about how you will word your statements respectfully. Tips for successful negotiations: Stay calm Attack the problem, not each other Avoid blaming & name calling Keep an open mind Listen attentively Be willing to apologize if you did something wrong
M EDIATION P ROCESS o Mediation: bringing in a neutral 3 rd party to help others resolve their conflicts peacefully. o Effective mediation depends on these basic principles: Neutrality: the mediator must be an outsider who has no stake in the dispute. Should take place in a neutral location Confidentiality: respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret Well-defined ground rules: both parties must agree to the rules set by the mediator. o The mediator does not make judgments or impose solutions.
P EER M EDIATION o Peer-Mediation: A process in which specially trained students help others students resolve conflicts peacefully. o Typically, peer mediation involves: o Making introductions: mediator will explain that they will remain neutral. o Establishing ground rules: Honesty, respect, and not interrupting. o Hearing each side: o Exploring solutions: Finding an acceptable solution o Wrapping it up: Mediator sums up agreement. In some cases, a written contract is made. o Do you feel our school would benefit and students would use a peer mediator?
S HOW ONLINE VIDEO Cruel Schools, Bullying and Violence. (24 minutes long) Pass out worksheets and scantrons for students to record their responses on.
I P AD V OCABULARY A CTIVITY 1. Open: iSwifter APP 2. Open the Bookmark and choose: Organize 3. Open: Glencoe web link 4. Drop Down: “ Chapter Activities ” 5. Choose: “Chapter 9” 6. Open: “Interactive Study Guides” 7. Open: “Lesson #2” ness/glencoe_health_09/isg/GH_ch09.2_550x390.s wf