Business Meeting Sept 19, 2002 Richard Seto – UCR Chairman: Users Executive Committee The RHIC/AGS Users Group
Who are we ? Organization of Users of RHIC/AGS.. Complex…. Nuclear Physics (RHIC) Particle Physics (AGS) Biology (Booster Applications Facility - BAF) Accelerator Physics (Accelerator Test Facility - ATF) Medium Energy Spin Physics (RHIC) –Ideas for a better name anyone?
Purpose To give an independent voice to users –Channel for communication to BNL management –Free to lobby government agencies/representatives as private citizens Indep of BNL management - though we work closely with them –Aided /closely associated greatly by RHIC/AGS user center Users Executive Committee Many regular visitors –Management –Representative from Information Technology Division (Computing) Guest speakers –Often outside visitors come specifically to hear (complain to) our guests
Life is getting Better Thanks to BSA/BNL management for support Dorms/Apts: AC, Internet!!,Laundry… Transportation – Shuttle, cars at night, still need transportation to train? Thesis awards Student participation (ASAP/UEC rep) General communication with management
Issues Computing at BNL Foreign Visitors and Security (post 9/11) Living Space Connectivity for meetings Funding and public relations –Past year Funding for AGS running –In the future If e.g. RHIC runs into major financial problems –We will write again as a group –Organize many visits/letters to capitol hill, local congressional office by many constituents (~hundreds)
Revision of Charter Add Chair Elect –Takes over as chair after one year Student/post-doc member (1 year term) One appointed person per year for two year term In the future (NOT TODAY) we will have to come to grips with our name
The RHIC/AGS Users Group Richard Seto, Chair University of California, Riverside PHENIX Jon Englege Space Sciences Laboratory, LBNL STAR Steven Kettell Brookhaven National Laboratory E949 Michael Lisa Ohio State University STAR Thanks to retiring members: Berndt Bassalleck University of New Mexico E949/PHENIX Robert Chrien Brookhaven National Laboratory Medium Energy Expts. Jeffery T. Mitchell Brookhaven National Laboratory PHENIX Marzia Rosati Iowa State University PHENIX Jim Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory STAR
Candidates For Chair-Elect of the UEC –John Hill –John Hill - Iowa State University –Vicki Greene –Vicki Greene - Vanderbilt University For Student/Postdoc Member of the UEC (1) –Jane M. Burward-Hoy –Jane M. Burward-Hoy - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory –Kai Schweda –Kai Schweda - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory –Marguerite Belt Tonjes –Marguerite Belt Tonjes - University of Maryland –Zhangbu Xu - –Zhangbu Xu - Brookhaven National Laboratory For UEC Membership (4) –Brant Johnson - –Brant Johnson - Brookhaven National Laboratory –Dave Hofman –Dave Hofman - Argonne National Laboratory –Marcelo Vazquez –Marcelo Vazquez - Brookhaven National Laboratory –Marvin Blecher –Marvin Blecher - Virginia Tech. –Michael Murray –Michael Murray - Texas A&M University –Stephen Pate –Stephen Pate - New Maxico State University
Please Vote –Click on Vote –You will need your Life number (on your badge) –Vote for Ratification of new charter UEC –Vice Chair –New members –Student/post-doc member –Voting ends TONIGHT at Midnight! Results tommorrow