{ Multi-Camera By Charlie Plummer
Multi-Camera is a technique used in Television and film where more than one camera is set up and a scene is filmed simultaneously with all cameras, the amount of cameras used usually counts up to three or four. This method is mostly used in television particularly for reality shows and sitcoms. A lot of sitcoms are filmed in studios due to the amount of space that they have and the numerous advantages it brings. The cameras are placed in a certain position based on how good an angle the camera can get at a particular position. There are hardly any times that multi camera will be used on locations due to difficulties relating to space, health and safety etc. So they will mostly resort to using Single-Camera, which is just one camera used during the filming of a scene. In the UK most multi camera shows include, Alan Carr: Chatty Man, The IT Crowd, Mrs Browns Boys, Not Going Out etc. Reality shows such as the X Factor, Britain’s Got Talent, The Jeremy Kyle Show all use the Multi-Camera format. Charity TV specials such as Comic Relief and Children in Need use the multi camera format, but sometimes mainly for sketches and visual inserts will use single camera. What is it?
Nearly everything reality based is shot with multi-cam, concerts, classical, pop, rock, all genres when performed live are shot with multi-cam: Sporting events are included, events such as, boxing, wrestling (sometimes single-cam is used) Olympic games, drag racing etc. one of the reasons why live performances are shot with multi-cam is that they can capture various angles at once and it is less restrictive than single- cam. Other forms
Some television shows use the single cam often and sometimes it is used just as much as the multi-cam, a lot of these television shows are sketch comedy programs such as Little Britain, The Catharine Tate Show, and Harry and Paul. Visual inserts from a show that is multi-camera based are also filmed with single-cameras such as Seann Walsh World and The Friday Night Project. Hybrids
One of the advantages of using the Multi-cam is that all of the footage is shot at different angles meaning that shots can consist entirely of the same take at different angles, rather than doing multiple takes of one scene. It also takes up less time in footage logging and editing. You can capture the best performances at different angles so there is a range to choose from if the director is not happy with a particular angle. It still takes a long time to set up for just one scene. It is more expensive due to the amount of cameras that are involved in filming. When a scene takes place outside an enclosed environment, and it is not a location shoot, chances are that it will look extremely fake, as fake backdrops and green screens are required for creating the illusion of an outside set. A large amount of lighting on the set is required to capture better quality on film. Advantages/Disadvantages
Although film is mostly shot on single-camera, there are a few instances when multi-camera has been used. In this scene from Rocky, multi-camera has been used seemingly to resemble a real televised boxing match: And in this scene from Raging Bull, we see a boxing match that is mostly shot using single camera, this was used due to the director: Martin Scorsese intended to treat the camera as a ‘third fighter’ which in a way makes the fight scenes more intimate with the characters. Multi Camera outside TV