Mahayaha Buddhism #13 Kamakura Buddhism 4 (Pure Land/ Jodo-Shu Shin-Pure Land/ Jodo Shin-Shu ) Masayo Urasaki 13 September 2012
Today ’ s schedule 1) Brief history of Pure Land and Shin Pure Land 2) DVD about Shinran "The white path" 3) Feedback
Keywords ・ Honen/ Pure Land (Jodo Shu) ・ Shinran/Shin Pure Land (Jodo Shin Shu) ・ Nen butsu / Nam amida butsu ・ The moset wicked are the true object of salvation ・ The White Path ・ The Primal Vow of other Power
Pure Land (= Buddha Field) Cosmology Space Originally the concept of "Buddha Field(Buddhaksetra)" There are many, many universes or world systems which are devoid of a Buddha, for Buddhas are very rare. a Buddha (Amitabha) who lives for a very long time (eternity), there are many Boddhisattvas in that realm. The evil (Mara) cannot work their bad way. There are located to the "West"
Main teaching The Three Pure Land Sutras Key concept The vow on which true and real "Faith (Shinjin 信心) " → Sincere mind and trust The teaching of rebirth in the Pure Land (浄土) of Amitabha through reciting the Buddha's Name, Nembutsu (念仏) → Everyboday can salvage from suffering in daily life. 1) the the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 2) the Meditation Sutra 3) the Amida Sutra
Honen 法然 ( ) Born at Okayama Pref. Father was a police, but was killed in the line of duty. As his father's last will, he gave up to vengeance. He became a Tendai monk on Mt Hiei at the age of 9. He concentrated to practice Nem butsu. In 1175, came down from Mt.Hiei to propagate ordinary people.But attack from Old sect (Tendai, Nara) In 1207, arrested including his disciples and forced back to secular life.
Shinran 親鸞 ( ) Shin Pure Land Founder Born at suberb in Kyoto Parents died before he was age of 9. He became novice at Mt.Hiei, practiced 20 years, but not satidfied the situation of Tendai sect. He mett Honen and become his deciples, dedicated to his teachings. He had a dream of Prince Shotoku, he decided to get marry still remain he was an monk.
Honen 's strong faith with "Nenbutsu" Honen exiled to Shikoku as layperson, when he was 75 years old. He said "I would not quit "Nenbutsu"even if I have to death penalty. It is lucky to exile to the countryside, because I have a chance to propagate to the suffeing people in local area" Even the virtuous can attain rebirth in the Pure Land, and how much more so the wicked (悪 人正機説) → emphasised Amitabha's Compassion
南無阿弥陀仏 Namu Amida Butsu Namu (devotion) Amida Butsu (Amitabha) Three Meanings 1) Mind the Buddha who written by Old Sutra 2) Looking the image of Buddha 3) Recite the Buddha's Name (Amitabha)
The White Path 1 Shandao ( ,Chinese Pure Land Buddhist) explain the parable of the white path. a man travelling to the west when before him stretch two rivers.On the of left side is a river of fire. On the right, is water. Between the two is a white path 'barely four or five inches wide'. From east to west is 100 steps.
The White Path 2 The fire scorches one side of the path. The waves ceaselessly wash the other. In the east where our traveller stands is a band of hooligans and wild animals, seeking to kill him At that very moment, he hears a voice from his own behind, "Friend, just follow the path resolutey,and there will be no danger of death.To stay here is to die" On the west bank there is someone calling out "Come straight ahead,single- mindedly and with fixed purpose. I can protect you. Never fear falling into the fire or water"
What is Shinran's Teaching? He wrote 教行 信証 (Kyo Gyo Shin Sho) On the teaching, Pracitice, Faith and Ralization of Pure Land Way In Jodo Shu, Nenbutsu is one of the practice that we have to do (consider how frequency recite) Shinran assume that Nenbutsu is not practice.People don't need to act, just "Entrust"Amitabha Buddha. It is enough to recite once sincerely in our heart. →The Primal Vow of other Power Not priest, not layperson (非僧非俗)