Founded by Siddhartha Gautama ( B.C.E.) Spurred on by the erosion of class structures, growing middle class, and urban development. How does Hinduism (traditional Indian religion) fit into this new cultural reality?
Vedic- Sacred Text Samsara- Ideology presented in Vedic that describes the endless round of death and birth. Moksha- Identification with the universal spirit or world.
Born Siddhartha Gautama Said to be born miraculously: descended from Tushita Heaven. Born to a King. Lived his early life in the lap of luxury.
Wise old man told the King his son would either be a king or an old man. Sheltered. Journey of enlightenment started with a single step outside the palace gates. Age Disease Death
The Ascetic
First sermon proclaimed “Middle Way” or “Path”: road between sensuous indulgence and senseless mortification Sound familiar? Four noble truths: Suffering and pain exist. Pain and suffering caused by our attachments/desires. One can be freed from suffering. Freedom can be gained by following the eightfold path.
Wisdom Right belief- understand how the world works. Right resolve- rid yourselves of immoral qualities.
Ethical Conduct Right speech- be kind and honest with your words. Right behavior- don’t bring harm to oneself or others. Right occupation- should not harm living beings
Concentration Right effort- continuous effort to abandon wrong-doing. Right mindfulness- stay alert to what is around you. Right concentration- meditation.
Ashoka: Emperor and big supporter of Buddhism. Buddhism flourished under his reign. “Originally antiauthoritarian, antiritualistic, and nontheistic, some followers now view Buddhist doctrine as a form of authority, practice Buddhist ritual, and believe the Buddha to be a savior”
“Desiring liberation in a world subject to destruction, I seek that happy indestructible abode, -- isolated from mankind, with my thoughts unlike those of others, and with my sinful passions turned away from all objects of sense.” From Ashvaghosha’s The life of Buddha. Pali. Take five minutes to respond to this quote however you would like: is this possible? Is this quote relevant today? What would this look like?