ReCAP Shelving Facility Research Collections and Preservation Consortium
The RECAP Consortium Members Columbia University The New York Public Library Princeton University
ReCAP Location
ReCAP Aerial View
ReCAP Phase 1 Capacity 7.5 million items 3 modules with high density shelving Film vault (color and acetate film) Processing center (accession &retrieval) High density shelving by size & barcode
Shelving Modules 3Modules (Phase 1) Each module 70 feet X 210 feet 2.5 million items 6 aisles of high density shelving Set points at 50 o F / 35%RH Wet sprinkler system
Film Vault 1,000 square feet Three aisles of shelving Set points at 35 o / 25%RH Color and acetate film
Processing Center 20,000 square feet Processing center includes –7 Size sorting stations –3 Data entry stations –3 Verification stations –Refile / Reshelving –Electronic Document Delivery Tray making room 3 Truck docks / 2 Van docks
Office Area Reading Room (Onsite Consultation) for 8 people Conference Room for 12 people Offices and Open Office Areas
Phase 1 + Module 4
Processing Center / Office Area / Loading Area February 2001
Film Vault Set points at 35 o / 25%RH
Module 2 - Super Flat Floor
ReCAP Facility January 2002
ReCAP Processing Center & Modules
Processing Center
Module 1: Order Pickers and Shelving
Module 1 Shelving Aisle
Columbia Load-in During first 6 years –2.5 Million items During the first 3 years – Approximately 70,000 items per month
Services Next business day delivery –To library circulation desks by 12 noon Electronic document delivery –on the Web Shared access among member collections On-site consultation in reading room
Transportation for Accession Columbia and The New York Public Library will be cooperating on transportation for accession. –In approximately 2 week blocks of time –Clancy-Cullen will provide the moving service
Requesting Items Regular Mode Requesting Link in CLIO to Columbia’s ReCAP Request System Patron/Staff member places online request Request automatically transmitted to ReCAP Request processed at ReCAP
Delivery to Columbia Libraries Bohren’s provides Courier Service ReCAP Courier delivers totes to CUL Shipping & Receiving Deliveries to Individual Libraries by CUL Shipping & Receiving staff, guaranteed by 12 noon. Separate delivery to Columbia Law School
Circulation Workflow Circulation staff in Each Library Check tote manifest Charge items to Offsite pseudo-patron Scan book barcode for cunix form (patron notification & print request data) Check manifest & Insert printout in book Apply ReCAP sticker to spine of item Put volumes on hold shelf.
Ideas for Future Activities Extending shared access to collections through BorrowDirect Collaborative collection development initiatives Preservation and conservation activities Digitizing projects
Anticipated Development by Modules
Full Development 15 Modules
ReCAP Shelving Facility Research Collections and Preservation Consortium