An Overview 2015 PBMAS and Intervention Activities
PBMAS Acronyms PL Performance Level RI Required Improvement SA Special Analysis PJSA Professional Judgment Special Analysis YAE Year After Exit MSR Minimum size Requirement
PBMAS A district-level accountability system that reviews the effectiveness of the following federal and state program areas: Bilingual Education/English as a Second Language Career and Technical Education No Child Left Behind Special Education Micki
PBMAS Districts receive Performance Levels (PLs) in each area TEA stages districts for interventions based on performance level cut points Specific to each program Differs from year-to-year Micki
Calendar/ Communication Plan micki
Targeted TAAs sent out last week for 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st year IR; FIR letter coming soon! --PMI TETN --PSPs and DCSIs named in ISAM (1st Year IR) TTC team meeting (ESC 13) TTC team meeting (ESC 13) 2nd yr IR+ targeted IPs PBMAS state & region reports ACET ACET ISAM - PBMAS Micki TEA/ESC Coordinated Meeting Data validation leaver reports
Micki PMI TETN --1st yr IR targeted IPs --District targeted IPs --PSP progress report (Aug Sept Oct) AIE Conference AIE Conference AIE Conference Data validation discipline reports Micki
How does State Accountability and PBMAS correlate? Let’s Take a Look Cindy How does State Accountability and PBMAS correlate?
Cindy T.
Accountability and 2014 PBMAS Indicator Correlations Cindy T
Cindy T.
Cindy T
Cindy T
Staging Micki How Did We Get Here?
Staging Process Each program staged separately. Special Education staging incorporated 4 federal requirements with PBMAS indicators to make staging determinations. Rank districts by the number of PL 4s, 3s, and 2s. Determine where natural cut points come for the different stages. Micki
So What is a PL? A performance level (PL) is the result that occurs when a standard is applied to a district’s performance on an indicator. The performance levels available for indicators in the 2015 PBMAS include Not Assigned (NA) (including Not Assigned through SA or DI), 0, 0 SA, 0 RI, 1, 1 SA, 2, 2 SA, 3, and 3 SA. SA refers to special analysis, which is described in the Minimum Size Requirements and Special Analysis section. RI refers to Required Improvement, which is also described in a separate section. DI refers to data integrity and is used in combination with the NA performance level to address situations where compromised data render any other performance level impossible to determine. PBMAS indicators all include a range of PLs, and each PL range has an established set of cut points. Throughout the PBMAS indicators, the higher the PL is, the lower the district’s performance is. Micki
Staging Process Micki
Criteria for Selection of Districts for 2015-2016 On-site Reviews Districts with one or more program areas staged at a level 4 Districts meeting the above criteria but also having received an-site review in 2014-2015 are exempted for an additional review this year, and will instead be provided post-visit interventions (PCVI) 41 districts with at least one stage four 12 of these districts were visited last year and will be PVI 29 on-site reviews micki
PBM Guidance Document Micki
District’s determination status Another Reminder The staging for special education of a district = District’s determination status micki
Mayberry ISD Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM) Micki Events Contacts Region 30 Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM) Events Contacts Escalations Noncompliance Communication Log Bilingual Education/English as a Second Language (BE/ESL) Stage 2 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Stage 1 SPED Determination Status: Needs Interventions Stage 3 Micki
TEC §39.306 (a)Each board of trustees shall publish an annual report describing the educational performance of the district and of each campus in the district that includes uniform student performance and descriptive information as determined under rules adopted by the commissioner. The annual report must also include: (3) The district’s current special education compliance status with the agency. Micki AEIS TAPR
2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report Previous Reporting 201 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report District Name: Mayberry ISD District Number: 709543 2015 Accountability Rating: Met Standard PBM Special Education Monitoring Results Status: Completed: Noncompliance Follow-up micki
2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report Beginning this year 201 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report District Name: Mayberry ISD District Number: 709543 2015 Accountability Rating: Met Standard Special Education Determination Status: Needs Substantial Interventions micki
Special Education Compliance Reviews For districts that receive a stage 3 or 4, the district is required to conduct a compliance review. New templates to conduct this compliance review can be in the used by districts to conduct the review. New chart indicates which templates to use for the review depending on the indicators in which a district has received a performance level of 2, 3, or 4. A new reporting template to report what the district identified during the compliance review. Cindy M
Cindy M
Special Education Compliance Templates Properly constituted ARD committee(includes questions about surrogate/foster parents IEP Development/Implementation Commensurate School Day Participation in State Assessments LRE Current Evaluation Certified/qualified staff Behavior/discipline Transition Cindy M
Cindy M
Cindy M
Special Education Cindy M
Special Education Additional Indicators STAAR Alt 2 Participation SPED Regular Class >= 80% SPED Regular Class < 40% SPED Representation (Student Groups) SPED DAEP, ISS, OSS Cindy M. Do you want to talk about the Federal indicators too? I don’t understand what that is. Do you want me to add a snip of the Federal sheet with the 4 indicators on it?
BE/ESL Cindy Teichman
BE / ESL Additional Indicators TELPAS Reading Proficiency TELPAS Composite Cindy T
CTE Michael Chapman
CTE Additional Indicators Nontraditional Males Nontraditional Females Michael
NCLB Tracy
Interventions Micki So Now What?
ISAM Identify district staff member with ISAM (Intervention Stage and Activity Manager) access If no staff member has access, request access IMMEDIATELY! Micki
We Are in Stage 1or 2…Why Do We Need Access to ISAM? Assign program contacts in case you are selected for random validation Assign DCSI Click on “Summary” micki
We Are in Stage 1or 2…Why Do We Need Access to ISAM? Make sure the correct year is selected All contact information can be entered from this link Click on “Contacts” micki
We Are in Stage 1or 2…Why Do We Need Access to ISAM? Complete all contact information Add multiple programs, as necessary Micki
Performance-Based Monitoring All interventions will occur through the TAIS process Multiple events have integrated interventions micki
District Leadership Team (DLT) Core Analysis Team is now the DLT Must include a District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) Composed of key district personnel and stakeholders determined by the district Should include: representatives from program(s) staged for intervention District staff responsible for school improvement Curriculum and instruction staff representative Other programs impacting student performance/program effectiveness Micki
District Leadership Team (DLT) Districts should also consider selecting participants from the list on pp. 4-5 of the “Changes in PBM Guidance Document” DLT list does not have to be submitted, unless requested Micki
DLT Meeting In preparation for this meeting: Identify appropriate data to review and templates to complete (district decision) Notify team members in advance to bring additional data to the meeting, as needed Create an agenda with date of meeting and sign-in section Micki
Templates Optional Format Improvement Plan template available on the PMI website at: Micki
Team Meetings Conduct team meeting Briefly review PBMAS and the area/indicators in which your district was flagged Discuss the intervention process Share locally-determined templates (FDA, etc.) Gather information from the team, and complete templates Complete Targeted Improvement Plan Complete Corrective Action Plan, IF NECESSARY Micki
Finalizing Documents Polish documents created by the team Schedule and conduct follow-up team meetings, as necessary If appropriate, have sub-committee meet to work on documents micki
Submitting Documents If submissions are required, have district ISAM user upload documents, as necessary Micki
Submitting Documents If submissions are NOT required: File electronic copies of the completed templates and meeting agendas/sign-ins with at least two district employees who can readily access and provide the documents should your district be selected for random validation File hard copies of the completed templates and meeting agendas/sign-ins in a location where at least two district employees can readily access the documents should the need arise to provide the documents to TEA micki
TAIS Intervention Process Micki What Interventions Are Required?
Roundtable Discussion from Program Areas Q and A TAIS Training BE/ESL CTE NCLB Special Education RF Q and A TAIS Training Work session with program areas Micki