1 ND Topical Call Series: NDTAC Resources to Meet Technical Assistance Needs (Call 2) 26 August 2015 – Katie Deal
2 Call Series Overview A selection of NDTAC resources to meet technical assistance (TA) needs: –Call 1: Consolidated State Performance Report –Call 2: Annual count –Call 3: Program planning and transition
3 Call Series Overview TA: Targeted support to address a need or problem –Via information, expertise, instruction, etc –Requires strong relationships, internal capacity, and effective methods (e.g. individual consultation, small group facilitation, web-based resources) –Capacity Quality Effectiveness Change
4 Introductions Carol Kay, nationalgeographic.com
5 Call Outline Background Annual count overview Annual count resources Annual count TA needs Resources Module – The Annual Count: Understanding the Process and Its Implications Toolkit – The Annual Count Toolkit: Determining Formula Counts For Title I, Part D Funding Allocations Discussion Upcoming calls
6 Annual Report of Children in Institutions for Neglected or Delinquent Children, Adult Correctional Institutions, and Community Day Programs Goal: Identify children and youth who are neglected or delinquent (defined by US Department of Education [ED]) Annual requirement for ED to allocate Title I, Part D (TIPD) funds to states Involves state TIPD coordinators working with state agency (SA) and local education (LEA) subgrantees and their respective facilities and programs Annual Count Overview
8 Annual Count Resources NDTAC > Administering TIPD > Planning and Funding > Annual Child Count: ED guidance and forms TIPD State Coordinator’s Orientation Handbook Conference presentation on the count process Module Toolkit part-d/planning-and-funding
9 Annual Count TA Needs Discussion: What some count-related TA needs have you experienced at the state education agency (SEA), SA, LEA, or facility level?
10 Annual Count TA Needs Examples of requests to NDTAC: Specifics about the count’s process (e.g. timing and window for the count) Eligibility criteria for inclusion in the count (i.e. who can be counted) – e.g. Subpart 1 vs 2 When/how to get information from ED
11 Annual Count TA Needs Discussion: How have you addressed TA needs before?
12 Annual Count Module: Overview Purpose and process of the count How the count relates to other TIPD reporting requirements Difference between Subpart 1 and Subpart 2 eligibility, policies, and procedures Other related resources (e.g. toolkit) Helpful for those in need of a quick overview to or refresher of the annual count
13 Annual Count Module: TA Examples FAQ’s addressed by the module: Eligibility for the count vs eligibility for services Eligibility of specific types of students – e.g.: –Have a diploma or GED –Enrolled with but do not reside in community day programs –Change programs within the same facility LEA resistance to the count
14 Annual Count Toolkit: Overview Purpose and process of the count Relationship between counting, serving, and reporting data for TIPD Tools (with a resource index) to help you comply with Federal requirements while completing tasks Provides more details than the module and includes practical tools for the annual count
15 Annual Count Toolkit: Overview Tools: Requirements checklist –State TIPD coordinators: Check whether surveys, materials, and process address requirements –SA/LEA/facility administrators: Develop surveys and ensure accuracy of counts Process checklist –Ensure completeness and accuracy of count Timeline template –Ensure timeliness of count
16 Annual Count Module: TA Examples FAQ’s addressed by the toolkit: Counting vs serving vs reporting Steps in the annual count process SA/LEA/facility/student eligibility Count date/window Providing TA to SAs, LEAs, and facilities
17 Annual Count Module: TA Examples Can students who already have their GEDs and are in facilities run by an state agency (Subpart 1) be counted? Can students with a high school diploma be counted (Subpart 2)? Can students who are enrolled in a community day program at a state-run facility be counted? What if they do not reside at the facility?
18 Discussion How could these tools support your future TA? What do you need to more effective with TA? Do you have any resources or tools that you’re willing to share with the ND community? Q&A
19 Upcoming Events 9/9/15 topical call – Subgrantee Monitoring Tools: Evaluating the Conditions for Learning in Facilities and Serving Special Populations 9/10/15 webinar – NDTAC Asks “What’s Next for High- Quality Correctional Education for Youth in Juvenile Secure Care?” 9/15/15 topical call – Improving Data Quality and Use: CSPR Data Collection NDCommunities.org > Events NDTAC.org > Events
20 Thank You “You know that I am called the Count Because I really love to count I could sit and count all day Sometimes I get carried away” -The Count’s Counting Song