BACKGROUND Before 2003 SRSA was funding more than 80 sporting bodies The Ministerial Task Team (MTT) report advanced the following reasons as motivation for their recommendations :
We need to become more focused The government budget for sport is far too limited to support all federations Slicing the funding cake too small means that every recipient receives such a small amount of money that it does not make any impact on the sport
We compete at international level against teams that are well supported by their governments and sponsors eg Australia
THE PROCESS Held a workshop to develop a tool with set criteria to evaluate federations MTT recommendations focused on high performance sport SRSA required a more comprehensive tool that would prioritise and identify federations with the: best chance to win medals for the country (more medals) and best placed to involve large numbers of people (more people) in their sport.
The following factors were used to evaluate federations for more medals: Performance of the NF at Olympic, Commonwealth, World Championship, World Games and Continental level over the past few years Number of medals available for the sport (ind vs team) The impact that winning a medal would have on the nation The transformation of the sport at elite level
The following factors were used to evaluate federations for more people: Accessibility of the sport (cost of facilities, equipment, fees, etc) Number of clubs Number of registered members Transformation at all levels The extent to which the federation contribute to Government priorities
A weighting system was introduced in order to distinguish between the importance of the different factors, eg the Olympic Games may carry a weighting of 10 vs the Commonwealth Games that may have a weighting of 4 only.
During the first evaluation, statistics provided by the national federations were used to determine the scoring. Federations were asked to score themselves and a panel put together by SRSA considered the results and made adjustments where it was deemed necessary. For the 2005/06 financial year, the BMI results of research commissioned by SRSA was used. A heavier weighting was also placed on transformation. These changes caused a few adjustments in the placing of some federations.
The following views were also tabled by the Sports Forum: Only 10 to 15 federations should be funded substantially Prioritization should be fixed for 3 years and funding also allocated in advance for this period (MTEF cycle) The success of the prioritization will only be realized if there is alignment with the provinces, schools, tertiary institutions and academies
The future funding of national federations by government was put under review as a result of: The strong motivation that emerged at a national strategic planning workshop of SRSA that government should focus on - *community mass participation and *school sport programmes The substantial allocations made to national federations by the national lottery
MORE PEOPLE MORE MEDALS 1.Football (93)18.Squash (33)1.Athletics (72) 2.Rugby (72)19.Weightlifting (33) 2.Swimming (67) 3.Golf (65) 20.Gymnastics (33)3.Boxing (59) 4.Basketball (60)21.Table Tennis (32)4.Dance Sp. (47) 5.Netball (58)22.Hockey (32) 5.Bowls (46) 6.Athletics (57)6.Rowing (45) 7.Boxing (54)7.Karate (40) 8.Cricket (54) 9.Karate (47) 10.Dance Sport (46) 11.Handball (43) 12.Baseball (41) 13.Bowls (40) 14.Softball (36) 15.Tennis (35) 16.Volleyball (35) 17.Chess (33)
CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFYING FEDERATIONS AS DONE BY SASCOC AND SUPPLEMENTED BY THE SPORTS FORUM/SRSA CRITERIA: E nvisaged number of prioritised NFs were divided into two categories - minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of nineteen (19) in the next four year cycle. Federations needed to be able to satisfy at least seventy percent of all identified factors, if not all, in order to then be listed as qualified for the respective category.
CATEGORY A 1.Must have achieved at the highest level in the past 5 years: ie medals at the World Champs, World Cups, Commonwealth Games, Olympic Games, World Games or have been ranked in the top 5 in the World. 2.Highly rated in the world: sport occupies very high profile in terms of popularity in the World. 3.High profile in the country with a historical legacy: sport has a huge impact in the country and has the passionate support of the population. 4.Satisfies demographics appeal and government priorities such as women, life skills and transformation: sport has tremendous women participation, teaches life skills and creates career opportunities while making strides in addressing transformation objectives of the federation.
LISTED ALPHABETICALLY SPORT1 (HP)2 (WR)3 (transf)4 ATHLETICSXXXX BOXINGOXXX CRICKET*XXXX FOOTBALL**OXXX NETBALLXOXX ROWING***XXOX RUGBYXXXX SWIMMINGXXXX GOLF*XXO X * Excluded from SASCOC preparation camps for multi-coded events - primarily SRSA assistance * Qualify for access to national and provincial academy training and squad camp programmes ** Present exclusion linked to admin disqualification *** Primarily SASCOC assistance
CATEGORY B 1. Must show potential to achieve at high level events: sport shows a growth pattern in the last two (2) years indicating the possibility to achieve at Continental, Commonwealth and World level. 2.Has mass appeal and potential to grow amongst the masses: sport is played amongst the masses or has the potential for mass part. - easily accessible, talent is identified and developed for higher achievement.
CATEGORY B 3.Satisfies govt priorities like women participation and transformation issues and educ. and capacity building processes: sport has developed women participation and already succeeded in addressing transformation to reflect the demographics of the country. 4.Has a high profile at international level with good profile within the country: sport is fairly highly ranked at international level and has mass participation in the country - a good profile and potential for rapid growth.
LISTED ALPHABETICALLY SPORT 1(HP)2 (MP) 3 (GOV) 4 BASEBALL XX X X BASKETBALL* XX X X BOWLS** X0 0 X DANCESPORT***X X X X GYMNASTICS XX X X HANDBALL* 0X X X HOCKEY XX X X KARATE*** XX X X TABLE TENNIS XX X X VOLLEYBALL XX X X * Present exclusion linked to administrative disqualification ** Considered for support services linked to multi-sports events only – primarily SASCOC assistance *** Sport has mass appeal but still requires further structural development