DACH Observations, Trends and Challenges Karsten Bräuker Managing Partner Let’s Work AG, München 12/11/ Job Board Summit Europe 1
1.2 million job ads per month 1.6 billion revenue by search consultancies in 2014 € 750 million advertising revenue € 500 million print advertising 70% of print revenue managed by agencies With € 26 million, temp agencies continue to grow 2 DACH Recruitment Market - Germany
War for Talents more significant than in D or CH: 50% of recruiters do not find the right candidate!! Remuneration and employer image are big issues Job offers are mainly posted on job boards and company website 3 DACH Recruitment Market - Austria
Switzerland is catching up with “the modern way” 80% of employers now prefer applications “already” 39% of employers are adapting their websites to mobile-friendly responsive design Job ads are predominantly published on job portals (95%) and company websites (86%) while print media has diminished to 53%. 4 DACH Recruitment Market - Switzerland
War for Talents Active Sourcing vs Social Media Recruiting Employer Branding Quality vs Time to Fill vs Cost per Hire Mobile Recruiting 5 DACH Recruitment Market - Challenges
62% of companies have “slight” recruitment problems, 30% even “significant” ones. Main reasons are -Lack of qualified people (80%) -Remuneration (42%) -Attractiveness of location (39%) -Employer image (32%) 6 DACH War for Talents
Emerged as an alternative to (unsuccessful) traditional recruiting Mostly done via access to CV databases Some innovative start-up’s assist companies in identifying candidates by extracting and analyzing social media user profiles, eg Talentwunder 7 DACH Active Sourcing
The “shooting star” amongst employer initiatives in the previous years XING, LinkedIn, Facebook are the relevant platforms in DACH In addition, there are some niche platforms for specific industry areas 8 DACH Social Media Recruiting
80% of job seekers have a smart phone 35% of job seekers use their smart phones for job search. It is anticipated that this number is likely to rise to 50% within the next two years. But... Less than 5% of job ads are mobile friendly 9 DACH Mobile Recruiting
Highly diversified market with more than 2,000 job boards The importance of niche and local players continues to grow Generalist job boards mainly owned by publishing/media companies Business networks are still not playing a significant role 10 DACH Job Board Market - Germany
Less diversified than in Germany In the hand of a few players But... Similar issues in terms of innovation 11 DACH Job Board Market - Austria
German and French-speaking areas are more or less two separate markets For years, the market is dominated by Jobs.ch and Jobup.ch Annually, new player try to challenge the market leaders (in 2015: Gojobs.ch with low-cost approach) 12 DACH Job Board Market - Switzerland
The Challenges ahead – Increasing user awareness through SEO – Enhancing user experience by responsive design – HTML job ads – Considering new pricing models, e.g. pay-per-click – Finding answers to social media recruiting by employers 13 DACH Job Board Market - Challenges
Back links Unique content, e.g. -Job guides, description -Application guide -Relocation guide -Job ads in HTML Internal links 14 DACH SEO
Increase of user-friendliness Part of SEO measures Includes job ads to be mobile-friendly (HTML instead of PDF) 15 DACH Responsive Design
Online vs Print Job boards will win this battle. But also the war? Social media recruiting by employers - Low-cost alternative - difficult to address target group precisely - Hype has decreased, however, employers continue to search for best recruitment options => Provide options! The ‘traditional’ job board is dead...!? 16 DACH Increasing Market Share