Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Kabul- Afghanistan 30 th November, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Kabul- Afghanistan 30 th November, 2015

Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Kunduz response and situation update 3.Earthquake response update 4.FSAC SRP WFP external evaluation team discussion with partners AOB: -Proposal writing training -FSAC standard cash and food basket

Purpose: FSAC had a Joint filed mission with OCHA and WHO to evaluate overall humanitarian situation, which includes review of coordination needs in consultations with humanitarian partners and government Objectives:  Consultation with partners to understand the needs, assessments and response till to date  Assessing coordination needs and current coordination arrangement  Visiting affected community, government focal persons and farmers to get their views on the overall situation Meetings & Discussions:  Discussion with Acting Governor  Consultation with Partners  Meeting with Agriculture Department  Meeting with Livestock Department  Discussion with Community, NGOs and Assessment Team 1- Kunduz Mission

 Ministry of agriculture promised 300 MT improved seed for distribution in Kunduz on 30% cost for farmers.  Generally seasonality allow cultivation from first week of October till December but unfortunately most of the people have not started cultivation  Agriculture department is hopeful to have cultivation with grain or improved seed as available with the farmers. In some areas crop harvesting is still in process  Farmers were able to harvest crops and store it before the conflict but some of the farmers especially having houses in urban areas claimed that they lost the harvest or stock  Stocks were looted by the people left behind who remain unable to access market  Agriculture department was supporting local cultivation and disease control with the help of 12 tractors and 2 ambulances but unfortunately all tractors, ambulances and medicines were looted so they will not be able to provide regular support in case of need.  Agriculture department established two vegetable and fruits promotion centers in Chardara and Imam Sahib, Chardara was looted by Taliban and Imam sahib is still fine and operational 2- Kunduz Mission (Agriculture Updates)

 Minimal loss reported because of cross firing like AI equipment’s, some boxes of bee keeping, damages of medicines in freezers.  Requested for the support on seasonal vaccination especially for FMD because of recent outbreak to protect animals of vulnerable communities  Overall body condition of the animals in urban and peri urban areas are OK. Farmers requested nutritious fodder support during winter as they can’t afford to buy.  There are almost 1.2 million sheep and goats and 700,000 cows in the area (livestock department figures). Some livestock deaths were recorded because of cross firing but the proportion is very low.  There are no reports on livestock looting. 3- Kunduz Mission (Livestock Updates)

 Overall situation in Kunduz looks good and in most areas its business as usual but in the surrounding area there is allot of fear and uncertainty  Most of the people and staff in agriculture and livestock department were afraid of current security situation and living with a fear that they can be attacked anytime  They have very little confidence on the security forces to protect the city in case of attack 4- Kunduz Mission (Overall Situation)

 Markets are functional and fresh food, fruits, vegetables, meat and staples are available in the town. Market is very big and able to respond to immediate needs of neighboring communities. Its very well integrated with local producers and suppliers.  Market prices for major food commodities wheat (22 Afs/kg), wheat flour (24 Afs/kg) are less than country average whereas rice (40 Afs/kg), salt (20 Afs/Kg) and oil (72 Afs/litter) are equivalent to average national price  We physically verified that all banks including Kabul bank, AIB, Ghazanfar banks and United bank are fully functional and able to support cash assistance programmes.  Total number of families assessed so far is 7,155 in PD I to 7.  Total families received food assistance till to date is 4,774. (265 MT food distributed)  Most of the communities think that there will be no major change in the current situation as investors and construction work is on hold because of fear. This situation can sustain during harsh winter. IDP’s in the town from neighboring areas especially Dashti Arche are more in need and require immediate assistance 5- Kunduz Mission (Outcomes)

 Active Partners in Kunduz are as follow: ICRC, OCHA, FSAC, SCI, WFP (PAT monitor), DACAR, NEI, CWS, Child fund, Acted, NRC, Handicap international and Medivac UNI 6- Kunduz Mission (Active Partners)

 Still around 10% of the families are being displaced  1 – 25 % of the families their Tazkira and other documents have been lost  93 % of the family tracing for assistance  Near to 7,000 families have lost their income source due to the recent fighting  Lots of money spent on transportation cost  6,179 Families lost their food stock (Based on RAF Data)  Majority of the families said, their food stock will be end in less then a week.  Access to functional market.  No enough money to purchase food items.  Due to lack of access to the markets during fighting, some families stayed hungry for a week.  The prices of the food items are increased. Kunduz RAF Assessment (IOM)

Earthquake Response Updates Approximately 88% of assessments (of the estimated 1,632 affected villages) are complete. IOM assessment of the data collected will facilitate gap analysis. Verified reports indicate: 117 fatalities; 544 people injured; 12,794 homes damaged and 7,384 houses destroyed. Assessments indicate 136,967 people are in need of humanitarian assistance, of which 131,345 people have received some form of assistance so far.

Earthquake Response Updates Families Assessed & eligible : Total 19,894 families affected across the country, including 10,348 families in North and North Eastern Region, 7,522 families in Eastern Region, 1,862 families in Central and 162 families in South Eastern Region. (IOM) Families Received Food & Cash Assistance : Estimated numbers of families who have received food assistance include 3,311 families in the North Eastern Region, 4,741 families in the Eastern Region, and 1,589 families in the Central Region and 661 families who have received cash assistance with a total of 9,641 families.

Earthquake Response Updates Food Gaps: Total food gap is 10,349 families, including 7,037 families in the North and Northeastern regions; 2,781 families in the Eastern Region; 531 families in the Central and South Eastern Region. Recommendations by partners: FSAC partners recommended cash transfer program to cover the immediate needs of earthquake affected families in Badakhshan where markets are functional. FSAC partners also recommended 3 months food distribution instead of one month, considering the coming winter majority of districts in Badakhshan will be inaccessible. CFF & FFA project should be implemented in those districts badly affected during earthquake to re-build their asset, irrigation system and to distribute them seed and livestock support through feed and medicine distribution.

FSAC Contribution to HRP Total target for FSAC 2016: 1,776,440 people (72% of the PIN) -Target group: Recently affected conflict IDP’s, Natural disaster affected IDP’s, Refugees, returnees (documented and undocumented) - and severely food insecure by SFSA and IPC 2015 (almost 1 million) -Location: Across the country for natural and conflict affected whereas 18 provinces for severely food insecure caseload. -Budget required: 58,719,292 USD

FSAC Contribution to HRP 2016 Planning Figures 570,795 number of affected people assisted on time with appropriate unconditional transfer (food, cash, or voucher). 188,000 number of natural disaster-affected people assisted on time with appropriate unconditional transfer (food, cash, or voucher). 141,000 number of natural disaster-affected people received emergency livelihood support. 809,376 number of very severely food insecure individuals assisted on time with appropriate unconditional transfers (food, cash, or voucher). 208,269 number of severely food insecure people assisted on time with appropriate protection livelihood support (agriculture/livestock inputs and livestock vaccines).

WFP external evaluation

AOB -Proposal writing training Happening on 8 th and 9 th December 2015, invitation will be out today and confirmation of participation need to be submitted on 5 th Dec. -Update on SAG meeting - FSAC standard cash/food basket

Thanks You