and the scoop on Mrs. Hardt!
1. Elements of a Series Use a comma to set off the elements of a series (a list of 3 or more things). *A comma between the last two items is optional! Mrs. Hardt’s favorite uses of the internet are sending s, looking up recipes, and researching lesson plans.
2. FANBOYS for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) to separate two COMPLETE sentences. Mrs. Hardt loves to cook, and she makes the best vegan banana chocolate chip muffins! NOTE: COMMA comes BEFORE the FANBOYS
3. Introductory elements Use a comma to set off introductory elements. *Intro elements are phrases that can be removed from the BEGINNING of a sentence without changing the essential meaning of that sentence. In the fall of 2010, the Hardts found an injured baby squirrel, nursed him back to health and named him Mick. In fact, the Hardts kept him for three weeks while trying to find a rescue operation that could release him properly.
4. Coordinate Adjectives. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives, 2 or more adjectives that follow each other and describe the SAME noun. * * PUT a comma between adjectives if… *If you can put and between the adjectives *If you can reverse the order of the adjectives *Must be able to do BOTH! EX: A little old lady---NOT- a old and little lady… The designs for an expensive, modern gym should make them happy. EX: He often wore brown corduroy pants.
5. PERSON, PLACE and TIME Use a comma to set off *titles *city/town with the state/country *full date The Hardts were married in East Brunswick, New Jersey, during the summer. The wedding date was August 7, 2009, at the Farrington Manor. Ron, the owner of Farrington Manor, made sure everything went perfectly that day.
6. Quoted Language Use a comma to set off quoted language. Led Zeppelin’s song “Kashmir” starts with the line, “Oh let the sun beat down upon my face.” “My son’s name is Jayden,” Mrs. Hardt said. “When he was about 10 weeks old,” said Mr. Hardt, “he said the word monkey!” * Quoted language = Dialogue or citations, not titles Notice: “Kashmir” does not get commas just because it’s in quotes.
7. Added Information Use a comma to set off added information. *Added info are phrases that can be removed from the MIDDLE or END of a sentence without changing the essential meaning of that sentence. The Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, in New York, rescues injured farm animals and provides a happy and safe home for them. Dallas loved to swat at Casey’s tail, which sometimes led to a gentle game of swatting.
The house was beautiful, but much too big. They were looking for something practical, not luxurious.