EERA is an official part of the EU SET-Plan. The Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA JPNM) Coordinating GenIV reactor materials research for a low carbon Europe L. Malerba, JPNM coordinator SCKCEN, Belgium
EERA: an alliance of Public Research Organisations One of the cornerstones of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) The JP NM is one of 16 JPs 150 members, 15 of them in the ExCo
ESNII: European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative Nugenia+ ESNII+ MATISSE EU functioning Treaty Euratom Treaty Gen IV Gen II/III Industrial initiatives ~150 public research organisations (15 in ExCo) TRL 5 JP1 JP energy x JPNM Since Support with research on materials The JPNM in the complex landscape of energy platforms SET-plan pushes to create a clear link TRL 5 SET-plan pushes to create a clear link ?
Objectives of the JPNM Develop innovative materials for industrial use with superior capabilities: -resistant to high temperature and irradiation -resistant to aggressive environments JPNM improve safety & sustainability of Nuclear Energy, focusing on materials aspects Pursue better knowledge of materials behaviour in operation: -achieve predictive capability (radiation & temperature effects, compatibility with coolants …) -select most suited materials for GenIV systems -support definition of safe design rules
Elaboration of design rules and procedures for assessment and testing for the materials envisaged at the expected operating conditions (high T, prolonged irradiation, aggressive environment). This involves deployment of infrastructures for relevant ageing phenomena and for testing of materials, data and knowledge, that are currently limited. Development of physical models coupled to advanced microstructural characterization to achieve high-level understanding and predictive capability : an asset, given the scarcity of experimental data and the difficulty and cost of obtaining them. Development of new materials of nuclear-relevance, with superior thermo-mechanical properties: radiation-, temperature- and corrosion-resistance in partnership with industry for a faster industrial upscaling. Three Grand Challenges (Vision paper) ?q=jpnm&sq=nboard
Subprogramme structure: to cover all aspects of NM Fuel Structural materials Technological Innovation Industrial application Basic & Applied Research SP1: support to European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative (ESNII) (K.-F. Nilsson, JRC-IET) SP2: Innovative steels (M. Serrano, CIEMAT) SP3: Refractory materials (A. Rinaldi, ENEA) SP5: Advanced fuels (J. Somers, JRC-ITU) SP6: Physical modelling of fuel behaviour (M. Bertolus, CEA) SP4: Physical modelling of structural materials (C. Pareige, CNRS) Coordinator: L. Malerba, SCKCEN Deputy coordinator: A. Bohnstedt, KIT Cross-cutting issues: J. Kalivodová, CVR
JPNM as unifying framework for projects GETMAT MATTER MatISSE 2020 … (H2020) … JPNM Nat. Prog. & Pilot Projects EU projects on GenIV materials …
Participants Involved European Countries: 16 (+JRC) CEAFrance ChalmersSweden CIEMATSpain CNRItaly CNRSFrance CV Rez (RC Rez)Czech Republic ENEAItaly HZDRGermany JRC-IET & ITUEU KITGermany KTHSweden NCBJPoland NRGThe Netherland PSISwitzerland SCK CEN Belgium UKERCUK VTTFinland 17 full participants (> 5 PY/Y) 23 Associates (< 5 PY/Y) + 6 new applicants Aalto U. (VTT)Finland COMTES FTH (CVR)Czech. Rep. CSM (ENEA)Italy EDF (CEA)France ETH Zürich (PSI)Switzerland IFE (VTT)Norway IIT (ENEA)Italy IMDEA Mater. (CIEMAT)Spain METU (UKERC)Turkey MPA (KIT)Germany NNL (UKERC)UK OCAS (SCKCEN)Belgium POLIMI (ENEA)Italy POLITO (ENEA)Italy RATEN (JRC)Romania STUBA (CVR)Slovakia TU Delft (NRG) The Netherlands TU Dresden (HZDR)Germany UA (CIEMAT)Spain UH (VTT)Finland ULB (SCK CEN) Belgium UPC (CIEMAT)Spain UTBM (CEA)France
Way of functioning Pilot Projects (PP) Task Forces (TF) Joint Technical Teams (JTT) Small projects (~2-3 M€) focused on precise topics included in DoW that result from convergence of plans of a few labs from different MS. Typical duration: 3-4 years. Groups of experts appointed to provide specific answer to a question, delivering a report. In charge for ~1 year. Scientific community involved in each SP that meets regularly in targeted workshops or other meetings to monitor and share results and discuss collaboration. Description of Work Collection of all activities of relevance (i.e. consistent with VP & roadmap) over a period of five years in each SP, leading to results that belong to the JPNM, i.e. shared results: from Euratom funded projects to national programmes. Vision Paper & Roadmap Provide the position of the JPNM on the energy and nuclear energy arena, the challenges and the pathway to address them. VP available at JPNM website. Roadmap in preparation.
JPNM actions in 2015: a new start JTTs meetings:- Consolidate current DoW - Start preparing DoW - Launch reporting exercise - Announce PPP call Launch PPP call PPP are revised by MB, sent for correction, then sent for external reviewing PPP reviewing is finished, ranking & prioritization starts PP are labelled; some enter proposals ESNII explicitly involved WIDE CONSULTATIONJOINT PROGRAMMINGPRIORITISATION End PPP call
Launched on 15 th Feb. with deadline 3 rd June proposals received (several Xcutting through SPs): SP1, support to ESNII – 4 PP SP2, innovative steels – 5 PP SP3, ceramics – 3 PP SP4, modelling SM – 6 PP SP5/6, fuel – 5 PP Total budget : ~48 M€ (with overheads); Total PY : >300 PP proposals are undergoing internal/external revision, to be approved by the steering committee (end November 2015) Approved PP will form the JPNM research portfolio, i.e. the true joint programme, for which funding is sought from any source possible Pilot project call 2015
Underlying strategy Top-down Vision Paper Bottom-up Consult- ation Pilot projects Roadmap Description of work Deployment of research European project proposals “National” funding input ESNII “National” programmes GENIVGENIV input
K.F. Nilsson, JRC-IET, SP1 coordinator, on activities within the JPNM devoted to steels in support to ESNII M. Serrano, CIEMAT, SP2 coordinator, on activities within the JPNM devoted to advanced steels C. Cabet, CEA, on the important issue of design for 60 yrs lifetime K. Lambrinou, SCKCEN, on the important issue of compatibility between steels and heavy liquid metals Goal: further strengthen link between JPNM & ESNII Introduction to session on steels
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